SWAG then attended the town council meeting where each council member stated their view on the best approach to combat the increased raids and threat of attack. SWAG informed the town that they had about 5 days until the horde attacked.
DeKelley urged that the town quickly flee. The council members stated that it would take a few days to convince the farmers to pack up all their belongings and abandon the homes they have lived in all their lives, particularly with food still in the fields and that needed to be quickly harvested to feed the refugees on the journey, and supplies that needed to be ferried from the west bank warehouse. Petra argued that the town should pack up and leave as soon as they could, and that perhaps SWAG could stay to briefly harry the horde and delay its advance. Odette grew frustrated with the town's slow pace, and called the town's leaders murderers and the townsfolk stupid.
The council decided to urge all residents to pack up and leave as soon as possible, estimating that the evacuation of all citizens and retrieval of food and warehoused supplies would take about 3 days.

After the council meeting, commotion in the streets led SWAG to attempt to stop a horse riding through town with a flaming wagon. A chimera soon appeared, attacking SWAG and nearly killing a child and mother fleeing the battle. SWAG drove off the wounded chimera and spent that day helping the militia and tending for the wounded. Several wagonloads of refugees from south of town arrived seeking shelter. SWAG informed them that it was not safe here - they had to turn back and head south.
The following day, SWAG continued to help train militia and care for the wounded. As the first wave of refugees left for Lukrimar Keep, a thunderstorm rained down, slowing the warehouse ferry. A Luminous Order knight named Teyana Suri rode into town, bringing news of a roadblock preventing travel to the northern cities and dwarf towns beyond the Headwater Hills.
That night another raid took place during a driving rainstorm, with 3 goblin worg riders and a hobgoblin spellcaster fighting in the west bank. SWAG killed the goblins and worgs and drove off the hobgoblin.