SWAG helped Andrushel recover from a second goblin raid as the remaining residents prepared to flee. On a drizzling Flocktime 20, the last of the residents left the village, heading south toward the settlements in the Valley. SWAG remained in town briefly, destroying remaining goods in the village warehouse and destroying the ferry barges that the Red Hand horde could have used to cross the river in Andrushel.
On the hot and sunny morning of Flocktime 21, SWAG left the now empty town of Andrushel, with the horde a mere 1 day away from the village. SWAG began a 6 day journey into the Headwater Hills to investigate a roadblock on the road to potential allies in the Dwarven Lands.
During the trip, SWAG saw an athach -- a massive three-armed giant -- on the side of road,
which began lobbing rocks at the group. SWAG responded with attacks while Red and Petra closed to fight the giant. With the athach taking a pounding, it lashed out at Red. DeKelley closed Red's wounds, saving him from death. But then a critical hit bite attack lopped off Red's head. Red was dead. SWAG avenged Red's death and gave him a proper burial.

With Red gone, SWAG pressed on through the Headwater Hills and into the swampy bog where the ruins of Rhest apparently lay hidden. A call for help and a glowing light in the bog led SWAG to investigate, only to find a will o' wisp ambush. After several electrical shocks from the will o' wisp, SWAG dispatched the creature.
Finally, SWAG reached the hobgoblin roadblock. With fireballs, flaming spheres and oil attacks, SWAG injured, killed and/or set fire to the minions of evil guarding the roadblock. One hobgoblin lept 20' off the burning roadblack rooftop in a desperate attempt to escape, only to be cut down in SWAG's complete victory over the forces of evil.