With thousands of hobgoblins and other evil creatures pouring through the breached Sumberton walls, SWAG raced from the battle with the dragon to the main road leading to Carstellan manor. There, SWAG met up with a small force of Sumberton guard and militia led by a Luminous Order knight.
The force had built a barracade to block the street from the approaching force. Meanwhile, battles raged throughout the city in countless street skirmishes and ambushes in alleyways.
SWAG took control of the defending force and prepared for the assault. Moments later, manticores flew through the dark night sky, bombarding the defenders with tail spike attacks. Several guard and militia fell to the onslaught. In the meantime, hobgoblins began racing toward the barracade, firing arrows into the defenders.
SWAG met the attacks with a volley of spells and arrows and flying and horseback charges. DeKelley desperately tried to heal the wounded. A mortally wounded Tiri Kitor ranger mounted on a dying giant owl hurtled from the sky, praising Corellan Lorethian as he dive bombed a manticore in a final suicide attack. As SWAG fought on, the tide turned. With the attacking force mostly defeated, a hobgoblin spellcaster fled into the sky. SWAG regrouped as Carstellan warned via telepathic link that a force of bugbears was headed that way.