After rescuing Douvel Staul, the adventurers returned to Winterhaven for some rest and recuperation. They chatted with the townsfolk, learning more about the recent kobold attacks and the secrets of the Keep on the Shadowfell. The group also went to Winterhaven's Market Day, procuring rare items including alchemist's fire and tanglefoot bags.
The group met Lord Padraig at Market Day and discussed the kobold situation with him. Hearing of the adventurers' success in defeating the kobold menace, he gave them a commission to seek out and destroy the kobolds in their lair. He told them where he believed the lair to be --hidden in a cave behind a waterfall -- and promised 100 gp for evidence of that the kobolds were defeated.
The adventurers then marched out to the kobold lair, launching a surprise attack on the more than a dozen kobolds patrolling

outside. The group's wizards used
sleep spells to slow the kobold assault, successfully containing them while the rest of the group killed the kobold marauders, except for one who escaped into the lair to warn the others. After defeating the kobolds outside the lair, the group prepared to adventure into the waterfall and battle the kobolds beyond...