Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Goblins, bugbears, and dogs oh my!

The following morning, the 3rd day of Planting, the group made use of the mystic Thamior’s fortune telling and arcane powers, identifying a wand of cure lights wounds taken from the goblin druid. A second wand with a weak transmutation aura remains unidentified. The group then proceeded to the halfling logging camp at the southern tip of the Andrall Forest. From there, they followed tracks to caves in the forest.

The band of adventurers encountered fierce resistance at the cave entrance in the form of a half-dozen goblins and a small dog. Although stealth and gnome magic allowed the gnome couple to advance to the cave entrance, the group was eventually discovered, perhaps by the dog's heightened sense of smell or the not so graceful sneaking by the non-gnome travelers.

With half the group behind big bug Red and his dog nemesis, and the rest of the group pummeled with surprisingly coordinated goblin morningstar attacks, most of the group fell. As many in the group lay dying, Erlwyn the gnome rogue desperately tried to activate the paladin Petra's wand of cure light wounds, with limited success. To make matters worse, a bugbear by the name of Big Bronk stormed into the room. Yet, despite the odds, Big Bronk was defeated and the group surveyed the scene and collected their treasure.

After the battle, Red the diopsid barbarian and Quintavian the sorceress picked up the bodies and loaded them onto the pony cart to take back to the logging camp. Red picked up the small bodies ("these small surface dwellers all look the same!"), with dead goblins and unconscious gnomes all loaded onto the cart, to be sorted out later.

Red also noticed that the gnome Carrack had fallen face-first into a small puddle. Upon returning to the logging camp that night, after getting lost a few times in the woods, it was discovered that Carrack, presumed dead, had in fact stabilized before death and was still alive but unconscious. Perhaps he fortuitously fell into water with magical curing properties? Now for the rest and healing...

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