The group descended the stairs to the east, encountering a large lizard in a muddy cave. The lizard tried to eat some of the group, but was killed without inflicting injury. Around the corner from the lizard cave was a strange old library with a red carpet. The shelves were filled with ancient books and the room was guarded by a goblin named Bruntalgoik and his hyena. Bruntalgoik wielded a masterwork scimitar, which was promptly ripped from his hands by Carrack's whip as his hyena fell in battle. With no weapon to defend himself, Bruntalgoik lept up and repeatedly tried to grab Petra's sword, but failed as Petra elbowed him away. And there he fell, weaponless.
Around the bend was another, smaller muddy cave with wooden planks across it. Red and Quintavian repeatedly fell in the quicksand mud, but were rescued after many harrowing attempts across the muddy pit. Chanting filled the air from around the corner, where a hobgoblin cleric and three skeletons swayed before an altar and a pile of coins. Nambrakh the cleric cast hold person on Petra and cause fear on Red, temporarily disabling them as the skeletons fell in battle. He then cast inflict moderate wounds on Erlwyn, severely injuring her. But SWAG fought back, and Nambrakh turned invisible and fled. Four zombies from an adjacent room then attacked. They were beaten down, but Nambrakh was able to make his escape.

In an adjacent room, the group barged through barred doors to encounter dark creepers, who fought with a mysterious magical shadow cloak protecting them. SWAG overcame this obstacle, taking down the creepers and finding scrawled notes in undercommon and a map. Carrack deciphered some of the script, and saw that the notes said that a gate (which later was discovered to look like the gate in the next room) was "ruined." The map mentioned a building and a stone, but the other words were too hard to decipher.
Continuing past the indeed ruined gate, the group busted through doors to battle hobgoblins and goblins. The final goblin surrendered, stating in goblin that he just worked there after being recruited from his nearby village. He said he knew nothing of the map or the rest of the complex. At Petra's urging, the party reluctantly sent him packing back to his village.
Nearby, the party saw a howler in a room, in the center of a magical patten painted in lines and circles all around the chamber. Red lept a balcony to fight the howler, and was quickly shredded to -6 hp. Petra ran down to grab him while the rest of the group pelted the howler with ranged attacks. Petra managed to drag Red away, while the group killed the howler from above.
After a long day of battle, the group gained enough experience to gain a level. They used their mule to pull the heavy crates of spices and trade goods up to the surface and began the journey back to Sumberton to train for their new level.
Around the bend was another, smaller muddy cave with wooden planks across it. Red and Quintavian repeatedly fell in the quicksand mud, but were rescued after many harrowing attempts across the muddy pit. Chanting filled the air from around the corner, where a hobgoblin cleric and three skeletons swayed before an altar and a pile of coins. Nambrakh the cleric cast hold person on Petra and cause fear on Red, temporarily disabling them as the skeletons fell in battle. He then cast inflict moderate wounds on Erlwyn, severely injuring her. But SWAG fought back, and Nambrakh turned invisible and fled. Four zombies from an adjacent room then attacked. They were beaten down, but Nambrakh was able to make his escape.

In an adjacent room, the group barged through barred doors to encounter dark creepers, who fought with a mysterious magical shadow cloak protecting them. SWAG overcame this obstacle, taking down the creepers and finding scrawled notes in undercommon and a map. Carrack deciphered some of the script, and saw that the notes said that a gate (which later was discovered to look like the gate in the next room) was "ruined." The map mentioned a building and a stone, but the other words were too hard to decipher.
Continuing past the indeed ruined gate, the group busted through doors to battle hobgoblins and goblins. The final goblin surrendered, stating in goblin that he just worked there after being recruited from his nearby village. He said he knew nothing of the map or the rest of the complex. At Petra's urging, the party reluctantly sent him packing back to his village.
Nearby, the party saw a howler in a room, in the center of a magical patten painted in lines and circles all around the chamber. Red lept a balcony to fight the howler, and was quickly shredded to -6 hp. Petra ran down to grab him while the rest of the group pelted the howler with ranged attacks. Petra managed to drag Red away, while the group killed the howler from above.
After a long day of battle, the group gained enough experience to gain a level. They used their mule to pull the heavy crates of spices and trade goods up to the surface and began the journey back to Sumberton to train for their new level.
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