SWAG then added some money to the altar's pile of gold, and the altar stated a prophesy about the Luminous Order. SWAG then gathered up all the treasure, prompting the same initial warning from the altar. Red and Quintavian departed for deep contemplation, while the rest of SWAG ventured on.
While rounding a corner, Carrack, on lizardback, heard whispering around the bend. Carrack snuck up and caught a planned drow ambush. A pitched battle ensued, and the drow were defeated by magic missiles and weapon attacks. SWAG the returned to the altar, hearing more prophecies about a person touched by the wind and a son (or sun?) that would reveal an alliance on the full moon. SWAG noted that tonight would be a full moon.
SWAG moved on, retracing their steps to the northeast, again hearing whispers behind a closed door. SWAG stormed in on two wererats behind a toppled table, with hand crossbows trained at the door. Petra reacted first, leaping into the room and attempting to bull rush the table into the wererats. The bull rush failed, but Petra lept the table to fight the wererats. Thelonius fired magic missiles, which hit a magic shield and were negated. Meanwhile, Carrack the Dragonslayer saw a small black dragon hiding in the next room and engaged it in battle.
Petra and Erlwyn battled the wererats, with most of their attacks failing to injure the wererats. Meanwhile, Carrack continued battling the acid spitting menace. Thelonius charged a shocking grasp, but couldn't seem to touch the wererats before he was hit and fell unconscious. Petra critically hit the wererats while Erlwyn fired silver arrows, eventually killing them. At that moment, Carrack's lizard fled the dragon battle from a magical fear effect.

The group then joined together and engaged the dragon, knocking it down. A yuan-ti halfblood then appeared out of nowhere, and parlayed a truce, stating that he too had fought and killed drow and wished them gone. SWAG agreed to leave and attack the drow and the yuan-ti agreed to end the battle. SWAG searched the wererats and found a note reading, "Sumberton sewers."
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