SWAG spent the next day helping refugees flee Dondurran. That night a grou

SWAG then learned that a group of several hundred enemy troops had broken off from the main horde encampment at Dondurran and was heading toward Kel's Rise. SWAG flew to Kel's Rise to warn the village, which was huddled behind a small castle's walls with 20 village guard and 20 militia defending the town. SWAG contemplated helping the town resist the horde, but instead urged them to evacuate and planned an air raid on the horde approaching the village.
SWAG approached the smaller horde of 300 or so enemy troops and tried to get close enough to launch a fireball. Thirteen flying creatures were guarding the horde from the air, however, preventing SWAG from getting too close. Instead, SWAG dropped aerial bombardments of

SWAG then flew back to Sumberton -- now in full war preparation -- to retrieve Petra's newly upgraded heavenly burst greatsword +1, and they learned the location of the Ghostlord's lion-shaped lair. SWAG spent the next 4 days flying around the horde to the Ghostlord's lair in the Thornwaste, arriving

With the Red Hand only 6 days away from its planned attack on Sumberton, SWAG enterred the Ghostlord's massive carved lion lair and battled hobgoblin monks with grappling dragonchains. SWAG defeated the monks and then encountered more monks, Red Hand clerics and the bard Ulwai Stormcaller. SWAG pummelled Ulwai's guards while she used bardic music thunderstrikes to attack Petra. As SWAG closed on Ulwai and landed several hits, she turned invisible and fled.