I am planning on attending a party, but I believe the host is a wererat. I am concerned that he may be secretly allied with an invading goblin army. Time is short as the evil horde advances and refugees flee their homes. I fear that in order to expose him I must break the law, but if the law has been corrputed by evil, isn't it my duty to unmask it?
Dear Troubled in Sumberton:
Eating from the point of a knife was commonplace until it was roundly condemned about 200 years ago, when the fork came into widespread use. And cutting up all the meat before it is eaten is done only for small children not yet trusted to wield knives. That you were not told this before is a shame. But now you know.
Yours, Miss Manners
SWAG enjoyed a relaxing sleep in Sumberton following many days of travel, and had a breakfast meeting with Luminary Champion Armin Harrack the following morning, on Wealsun 6. He said that he had successfully persuaded the soldiers blockading Dondorran that their orders were unlawful, and they let the refugees begin their trek toward Sumberton.
SWAG also met with Naryalla of the Ebon Cabal who provided SWAG with scrolls of reveal

At the party, Thrann Carstellan made a brief appearance. SWAG swung into action, dispelling magic protecting him and launching their attack. Thrann was revealed as a wererat to an

SWAG found Thrann's father and brother unconscious in a nearby room along with the halfling leader of the merchant's guild. With the wererat conspiracy unmasked, Armin Harrack promised to heal the Carstellan family and remove their lycanthropy curse. With the city's leaders rescued, an immediate council meeting would be called to begin preparations for a last-ditch defense of the city.
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