SWAG then encountered the Ghostlord's bonedrinkers, which lept up to try and pin their foes and dissolve their tasty bones. Apparently, raptorans have the tastiest of dissolved bones. After SWAG dispatched these creatures as well, the Ghostlord himself came to investigate.
SWAG negotiated with the Ghostlord, offering to return his phylactery in exchange for him calling off his 50 force strong undead legion that was due to depart shortly for Sumberton. Although SWAG contemplated attacking the lich, the nearby ghost lions and the urgency of returning to Sumberton dissauded them from attacking, and a deal was struck. Defeating the lich could wait for another day.

SWAG then hurried back to Sumberton, with a stopover in Silvermont. SWAG had never been there, and had trouble finding it. SWAG soon learned that the Ebon Cabal had hidden the entire town in a powerful illusion. Naryalla the bard urged SWAG to leave, and SWAG reluctantly did so.
SWAG then flew to Sumberton, and saw thousands of hobgoblins and other foul creatures encamped outside the city's walls. SWAG flew into the city past archers guarding the newly fortified city walls and met with the War Council. SWAG helped persuade the War Council to: 1) mount its major defense from the safety of the city walls, rather than taking the main battle into the field outside the city, 2) distribute most of the clerics among the soldiers to aid in battlefield healing rather than holding them back at the Cathedral of Pelor, and 3) provide a telepathic bond to Sellyria Starsinger of the Tiri Kitor, rather than the captain of the army or the head of the merchant's guild.
Only one day now remains until the horde launches its attack on the walled City of Sumberton...
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