Morna, DeKelley, Petra and Quintavian continued on deeper into the Sumberton sewers. They noticed that the polluted water in one of the sewer channels was swirling in the wrong direction and investigated. The water quickly came to life, as a polluted water elemental slammed its watery appendage into Morna. SWAG engaged the elemental, although Morna and DeKelley were sickened from its polluted stench. As the battle raged, DeKelley raced around, healing the wounded so they could continue the fight.
The elemental retreated into the water and formed a swirling whirlpool that kicked up slimy debris in a blinding vortex. Shortly thereafter, the elemental emerged again, continuing to attack until it was finally brought down from weapon slashes, magic missiles and the like.
SWAG pressed on and explored the abandoned brewery, finding tracks that led out and into a secret door. SWAG opened the door and saw a wererat standing over two unconscious and tied up bodies. Two electrum clockwork horrors were also in the room, busily sawing away at wooden support beams that held up the crumbling city walls above.
The clockwork horrors fired pressure darts at Petra and SWAG responded with sword and magic attacks. The wererat fired a crossbow, missing several times before fleeing down a drain. The clockwork horrors wounded some of the heroes but were destroyed before they could do too much harm.
After the battle, DeKelley healed the unconscious men, both of whom had strange bite marks on their necks. The first announced himself as Jarrik Carstellan, son of Lord Carstellan, ruler of Sumberton. He demanded a quick escort out of the dank sewers. The second man announced himself as Phillius Stirp, leader of the Stiletto Crew. Jarrik demanded Stirp's arrest.
SWAG escorted the bunch out of the sewers and the riff-raffy part of town. Jarrik summoned the guard, who took Stirp away, and promised a reward to SWAG the next day. SWAG informed Ollie the Shakes of the result and shuffled off for a night's sleep at the inn. Morna, DeKelley, Petra and Quintavian each gained a level -the first two to level 4, the other two to level 5.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sumberton Sewers
On the full moon night of Planting 18, SWAG rested fairly well in the small beds of the gnome town of Riverbend, after days of tough adventuring and the death of SWAGger Erlwyn. Carrack retired from SWAG and brought Erlwyn's body back to Riverbend University to have her raised from the dead with the proceeds of their conquests.
On Planting 19, SWAG met two new travelers, Morna, a rogueish one, and DeKelley the Healer. These two joined SWAG on their journey north to Sumberton. SWAG obtained passage on a barge carrying lumbering equipment destined for new logging operations at Lukrimar Keep.
SWAG spent the day traveling by barge and overnighted at a small tent city half-way between Riverbend and Sumberton. Quintavian shacked up with a barge mercenary while Red observed their bargekeeper's sleeping habits at an uncomfortably close level.
On Planting 20 SWAG continued the journey north, and soon saw the Sumberton army marching south to deal with an attack on the shipping lanes. SWAG learned that a metal ore carrying barge disappeared a week or so ago and that was followed by an attack that threatened to cut off the Valley's contacts with the Southern Cities. This could mean limited ores for the Valley and no trade in the Valley's farmed goods with the larger cities to the south. That night SWAG arrived in Sumberton and slept at the inn for their finest rest in many days.
On Planting 21, Petra ordered a suit of magical full plate armor while the rest of SWAG learned that Ollie the Shakes, a go-between for the Stiletto Crew, had been looking for Erlwyn. Ollie met up with Morna, DeKelley and Red and hired them to retrieve the Stiletto Crew's leader who had been kidnapped by a foe working out of the eastern sewers.
SWAG then met Armin Harrack of the Luminous Order for dinner. He thanked them for their work in Surrinak and advised SWAG to go to the Shining Citadel to receive their reward. He also recommended that Petra and the others accept the Luminous Order's offer to have them join the Order. The Order has been busy fighting gnolls near Kel's Rise, repelling the attack on the southern shipping lanes, and patrolling the Slaughterscar, and could use SWAG's help.
SWAG then met up with Ollie at dusk and headed to the eatern sewers. Ollie gave SWAG a map of the sewers. Before reaching the sewers, goblin snipers attacked from the rooftops, knocking Ollie unconscious. SWAG lept up to attack the snipers, killing one while the other appeared to summon a large owl and escaped. DeKelley healed Ollie and then SWAG headed into the sewers.
The sewers are filled with flowing green, polluted water. Out of the water emerged a swarm of
several hundred rats. They scored a few bites but were quickly dispersed by a SWAG now better prepared to fight swarms. Now, deeper into the sewers...
On Planting 19, SWAG met two new travelers, Morna, a rogueish one, and DeKelley the Healer. These two joined SWAG on their journey north to Sumberton. SWAG obtained passage on a barge carrying lumbering equipment destined for new logging operations at Lukrimar Keep.
SWAG spent the day traveling by barge and overnighted at a small tent city half-way between Riverbend and Sumberton. Quintavian shacked up with a barge mercenary while Red observed their bargekeeper's sleeping habits at an uncomfortably close level.
On Planting 20 SWAG continued the journey north, and soon saw the Sumberton army marching south to deal with an attack on the shipping lanes. SWAG learned that a metal ore carrying barge disappeared a week or so ago and that was followed by an attack that threatened to cut off the Valley's contacts with the Southern Cities. This could mean limited ores for the Valley and no trade in the Valley's farmed goods with the larger cities to the south. That night SWAG arrived in Sumberton and slept at the inn for their finest rest in many days.
On Planting 21, Petra ordered a suit of magical full plate armor while the rest of SWAG learned that Ollie the Shakes, a go-between for the Stiletto Crew, had been looking for Erlwyn. Ollie met up with Morna, DeKelley and Red and hired them to retrieve the Stiletto Crew's leader who had been kidnapped by a foe working out of the eastern sewers.
SWAG then met Armin Harrack of the Luminous Order for dinner. He thanked them for their work in Surrinak and advised SWAG to go to the Shining Citadel to receive their reward. He also recommended that Petra and the others accept the Luminous Order's offer to have them join the Order. The Order has been busy fighting gnolls near Kel's Rise, repelling the attack on the southern shipping lanes, and patrolling the Slaughterscar, and could use SWAG's help.
SWAG then met up with Ollie at dusk and headed to the eatern sewers. Ollie gave SWAG a map of the sewers. Before reaching the sewers, goblin snipers attacked from the rooftops, knocking Ollie unconscious. SWAG lept up to attack the snipers, killing one while the other appeared to summon a large owl and escaped. DeKelley healed Ollie and then SWAG headed into the sewers.
The sewers are filled with flowing green, polluted water. Out of the water emerged a swarm of

Thursday, July 5, 2007
R.I.P. Erlwyn
Fresh off the battle with the black dragon and truce with the yuan-ti, SWAG proceeded to the few doors that lead to areas yet to be explored, still looking for the larger gate.
After disabling yet another smaller flaming demon gate, SWAG came to a door. It was barred from the inside with what appeared to be a warning written in Undercommon and the sound of crackling flames beyond. Fearing the worst (and not understanding Undercommon), SWAG powered up with a few protection from fire and from evil spells and opened the door.
Inside stood a creature that appeared to be made of molten lava, surrounded by statues of demons and a massive sarcophagus of a blackguard on a nightmare. Behind the sarcophagus lay 2 dead drow with massive burned holes in their chests. Petra stormed into the room while
Erlwyn hit the magma creature with an arrow. The creature responded by hurling a flaming ball of hot magma at Erlwyn, mortally wounding Erlwyn and dropping her to -9 hp. SWAG continued its assault on the magma hurler, but was unable to save the brave gnome, who perished after failing a stabilization check. Carrack cried out at the death of his beloved.
SWAG continued to pepper the magma creature with magic missiles and attacked with melee weapons. It hurled another magma ball at Red, injuring him. SWAG hit back, and defeated the slayer of Erlwyn. Carrack used a coup de grace to ensure its demise. SWAG searched the chamber, deciphering an Abyssal warning on the sarcophagus that it was the final resting place of a great and powerful warrior. SWAG thought best not to disturb it.
After Erlwyn's death, SWAG pressed on, disabling a powerful flaming gate and opening a door to find a small arachnid-like metal being with a saw for a mouth, called an electrum clockwork horror. It was surrounded by mirrors, including one mirror like the one SWAG had seen in the Kurkle Ridge, which had shown the clockwork horror in this same room. Piles of metal littered the room - apparently these were not enough for the creature to craft more of its kind.
Carrack tried to re-enable the gate to trap the clockwork horror, but was unable to quickly do so. The clockwork horror fired pressure darts at Petra before engaging with its saw. After a minute of battle, Petra and Red charged the creature. It was finally killed, collapsing after its last attack into a heap of metal slag.
SWAG continued on, finally finding the large shattered gate of this complex. Trapped inside the gate were 4 whitespawn that had half-emerged through the gate when it was shattered by the forces of good 800 years ago. Petra and Red approached, and the gate shot beams of magic that dispelled the magic protections on Petra and channeled this magical energy into freeing the whitespawn. SWAG engaged the whitespawn, killing them seconds after they emerged from their 800 year entombment.
SWAG pressed on to the final rooms of the complex, killing a wight that guarded a chamber of living pictures that briefly animated when the wight was injured and killed. A room beyond contained scrolls in Abyssal that appeared to be a roster of hundreds of names. SWAG gathered the scrolls and ventured back outside, slipping across the wilderness before reaching the safety of Riverbend as the full moon rose over the Valley. Rumours swirled in Riverbend following Knights Luminary racing through town to respond to an attack on shipping lanes to the south, the main source of new trade goods into the Valley. Word had it that the troops in Sumberton were mustering to march south to deal with this attack.
After disabling yet another smaller flaming demon gate, SWAG came to a door. It was barred from the inside with what appeared to be a warning written in Undercommon and the sound of crackling flames beyond. Fearing the worst (and not understanding Undercommon), SWAG powered up with a few protection from fire and from evil spells and opened the door.
Inside stood a creature that appeared to be made of molten lava, surrounded by statues of demons and a massive sarcophagus of a blackguard on a nightmare. Behind the sarcophagus lay 2 dead drow with massive burned holes in their chests. Petra stormed into the room while

SWAG continued to pepper the magma creature with magic missiles and attacked with melee weapons. It hurled another magma ball at Red, injuring him. SWAG hit back, and defeated the slayer of Erlwyn. Carrack used a coup de grace to ensure its demise. SWAG searched the chamber, deciphering an Abyssal warning on the sarcophagus that it was the final resting place of a great and powerful warrior. SWAG thought best not to disturb it.
After Erlwyn's death, SWAG pressed on, disabling a powerful flaming gate and opening a door to find a small arachnid-like metal being with a saw for a mouth, called an electrum clockwork horror. It was surrounded by mirrors, including one mirror like the one SWAG had seen in the Kurkle Ridge, which had shown the clockwork horror in this same room. Piles of metal littered the room - apparently these were not enough for the creature to craft more of its kind.
Carrack tried to re-enable the gate to trap the clockwork horror, but was unable to quickly do so. The clockwork horror fired pressure darts at Petra before engaging with its saw. After a minute of battle, Petra and Red charged the creature. It was finally killed, collapsing after its last attack into a heap of metal slag.
SWAG continued on, finally finding the large shattered gate of this complex. Trapped inside the gate were 4 whitespawn that had half-emerged through the gate when it was shattered by the forces of good 800 years ago. Petra and Red approached, and the gate shot beams of magic that dispelled the magic protections on Petra and channeled this magical energy into freeing the whitespawn. SWAG engaged the whitespawn, killing them seconds after they emerged from their 800 year entombment.
SWAG pressed on to the final rooms of the complex, killing a wight that guarded a chamber of living pictures that briefly animated when the wight was injured and killed. A room beyond contained scrolls in Abyssal that appeared to be a roster of hundreds of names. SWAG gathered the scrolls and ventured back outside, slipping across the wilderness before reaching the safety of Riverbend as the full moon rose over the Valley. Rumours swirled in Riverbend following Knights Luminary racing through town to respond to an attack on shipping lanes to the south, the main source of new trade goods into the Valley. Word had it that the troops in Sumberton were mustering to march south to deal with this attack.
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