Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Deeper Into the Sumberton Sewers

Morna, DeKelley, Petra and Quintavian continued on deeper into the Sumberton sewers. They noticed that the polluted water in one of the sewer channels was swirling in the wrong direction and investigated. The water quickly came to life, as a polluted water elemental slammed its watery appendage into Morna. SWAG engaged the elemental, although Morna and DeKelley were sickened from its polluted stench. As the battle raged, DeKelley raced around, healing the wounded so they could continue the fight.

The elemental retreated into the water and formed a swirling whirlpool that kicked up slimy debris in a blinding vortex. Shortly thereafter, the elemental emerged again, continuing to attack until it was finally brought down from weapon slashes, magic missiles and the like.

SWAG pressed on and explored the abandoned brewery, finding tracks that led out and into a secret door. SWAG opened the door and saw a wererat standing over two unconscious and tied up bodies. Two electrum clockwork horrors were also in the room, busily sawing away at wooden support beams that held up the crumbling city walls above.

The clockwork horrors fired pressure darts at Petra and SWAG responded with sword and magic attacks. The wererat fired a crossbow, missing several times before fleeing down a drain. The clockwork horrors wounded some of the heroes but were destroyed before they could do too much harm.

After the battle, DeKelley healed the unconscious men, both of whom had strange bite marks on their necks. The first announced himself as Jarrik Carstellan, son of Lord Carstellan, ruler of Sumberton. He demanded a quick escort out of the dank sewers. The second man announced himself as Phillius Stirp, leader of the Stiletto Crew. Jarrik demanded Stirp's arrest.

SWAG escorted the bunch out of the sewers and the riff-raffy part of town. Jarrik summoned the guard, who took Stirp away, and promised a reward to SWAG the next day. SWAG informed Ollie the Shakes of the result and shuffled off for a night's sleep at the inn. Morna, DeKelley, Petra and Quintavian each gained a level -the first two to level 4, the other two to level 5.

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