On the full moon night of Planting 18, SWAG rested fairly well in the small beds of the gnome town of Riverbend, after days of tough adventuring and the death of SWAGger Erlwyn. Carrack retired from SWAG and brought Erlwyn's body back to Riverbend University to have her raised from the dead with the proceeds of their conquests.
On Planting 19, SWAG met two new travelers, Morna, a rogueish one, and DeKelley the Healer. These two joined SWAG on their journey north to Sumberton. SWAG obtained passage on a barge carrying lumbering equipment destined for new logging operations at Lukrimar Keep.
SWAG spent the day traveling by barge and overnighted at a small tent city half-way between Riverbend and Sumberton. Quintavian shacked up with a barge mercenary while Red observed their bargekeeper's sleeping habits at an uncomfortably close level.
On Planting 20 SWAG continued the journey north, and soon saw the Sumberton army marching south to deal with an attack on the shipping lanes. SWAG learned that a metal ore carrying barge disappeared a week or so ago and that was followed by an attack that threatened to cut off the Valley's contacts with the Southern Cities. This could mean limited ores for the Valley and no trade in the Valley's farmed goods with the larger cities to the south. That night SWAG arrived in Sumberton and slept at the inn for their finest rest in many days.
On Planting 21, Petra ordered a suit of magical full plate armor while the rest of SWAG learned that Ollie the Shakes, a go-between for the Stiletto Crew, had been looking for Erlwyn. Ollie met up with Morna, DeKelley and Red and hired them to retrieve the Stiletto Crew's leader who had been kidnapped by a foe working out of the eastern sewers.
SWAG then met Armin Harrack of the Luminous Order for dinner. He thanked them for their work in Surrinak and advised SWAG to go to the Shining Citadel to receive their reward. He also recommended that Petra and the others accept the Luminous Order's offer to have them join the Order. The Order has been busy fighting gnolls near Kel's Rise, repelling the attack on the southern shipping lanes, and patrolling the Slaughterscar, and could use SWAG's help.
SWAG then met up with Ollie at dusk and headed to the eatern sewers. Ollie gave SWAG a map of the sewers. Before reaching the sewers, goblin snipers attacked from the rooftops, knocking Ollie unconscious. SWAG lept up to attack the snipers, killing one while the other appeared to summon a large owl and escaped. DeKelley healed Ollie and then SWAG headed into the sewers.
The sewers are filled with flowing green, polluted water. Out of the water emerged a swarm of
several hundred rats. They scored a few bites but were quickly dispersed by a SWAG now better prepared to fight swarms. Now, deeper into the sewers...
On Planting 19, SWAG met two new travelers, Morna, a rogueish one, and DeKelley the Healer. These two joined SWAG on their journey north to Sumberton. SWAG obtained passage on a barge carrying lumbering equipment destined for new logging operations at Lukrimar Keep.
SWAG spent the day traveling by barge and overnighted at a small tent city half-way between Riverbend and Sumberton. Quintavian shacked up with a barge mercenary while Red observed their bargekeeper's sleeping habits at an uncomfortably close level.
On Planting 20 SWAG continued the journey north, and soon saw the Sumberton army marching south to deal with an attack on the shipping lanes. SWAG learned that a metal ore carrying barge disappeared a week or so ago and that was followed by an attack that threatened to cut off the Valley's contacts with the Southern Cities. This could mean limited ores for the Valley and no trade in the Valley's farmed goods with the larger cities to the south. That night SWAG arrived in Sumberton and slept at the inn for their finest rest in many days.
On Planting 21, Petra ordered a suit of magical full plate armor while the rest of SWAG learned that Ollie the Shakes, a go-between for the Stiletto Crew, had been looking for Erlwyn. Ollie met up with Morna, DeKelley and Red and hired them to retrieve the Stiletto Crew's leader who had been kidnapped by a foe working out of the eastern sewers.
SWAG then met Armin Harrack of the Luminous Order for dinner. He thanked them for their work in Surrinak and advised SWAG to go to the Shining Citadel to receive their reward. He also recommended that Petra and the others accept the Luminous Order's offer to have them join the Order. The Order has been busy fighting gnolls near Kel's Rise, repelling the attack on the southern shipping lanes, and patrolling the Slaughterscar, and could use SWAG's help.
SWAG then met up with Ollie at dusk and headed to the eatern sewers. Ollie gave SWAG a map of the sewers. Before reaching the sewers, goblin snipers attacked from the rooftops, knocking Ollie unconscious. SWAG lept up to attack the snipers, killing one while the other appeared to summon a large owl and escaped. DeKelley healed Ollie and then SWAG headed into the sewers.
The sewers are filled with flowing green, polluted water. Out of the water emerged a swarm of

hmmm very interesting stuff here.. good work..