After the lenghty troglodyte battles, SWAG made their made to the mimic room to rest overnight. On the morning of the first day of the new month of Flocktime, SWAG went back to the troglodyte room and disabled the violet demon arch. Water cascaded down the stairs out of the room, and SWAG descended, reaching a pool of water at the bottom of long sets of stairs.
Across the water was a woman who greeted the group. She announced that she was a sorceress with "that other organization" and had slipped this far into the dungeon using stealth magic. She said that Gashkarr was nearby, attempting to open the demon gate, and she was willing to join them in disabling it.
SWAG opened nearby doors to a large chamber with 4 gates, 3 of them obviously broken. A mezzoloth wielding a trident was guarding the chamber, and Tybalt of the Luminous Order charged forward to engage it. The mezzoloth responded with a cloudkill, instantly killing the
brave Tybalt and sending other SWAGgers retreating to a safe distance. Petra, immune from poison, continued to engage the mezzoloth, while DeKelley cast poison protection scrolls on SWAG. Meanwhile, a chanting was heard from a hidden position at a balcony beyond.
After about a minute of skirmishing, the cloudkill drifted away, and SWAG re-engaged the mezzoloth. The mezzoloth responded with a dispel magic on SWAG and another cloudkill. Some of SWAG again backed away, and then attacked again once the cloudkill began to drift, finally killing the mezzoloth.
At that moment one of the gates opened with a blast of magic, sending hundreds of skulls and a large toad-like demon hurtling out of the gate. SWAG engaged the demon and Quintavian cast
dispel magic on the gate. The dispel attempt failed, but caused a cascade of magical force to again hurtle out of the gate. Two men dressed in blue uniforms and wearing a strange metal weapon were blasted out of the gate. The startled men opened fire on the demon with the weapons they called revolvers. The demon battled back, eventually killing the two men.
Meanwhile, Red raced up the balcony, finding the gnoll warchief Gashkarr reading from a magical tome. Red chased him down the stairs. The sorceress then grabbed the tome from Gashkarr, grew leathery wings, and fled through the gate. Gashkarr followed, just as the gate magic ceased, dragging the demon and the two men's bodies with it. All was silent again in the gate room...
Across the water was a woman who greeted the group. She announced that she was a sorceress with "that other organization" and had slipped this far into the dungeon using stealth magic. She said that Gashkarr was nearby, attempting to open the demon gate, and she was willing to join them in disabling it.
SWAG opened nearby doors to a large chamber with 4 gates, 3 of them obviously broken. A mezzoloth wielding a trident was guarding the chamber, and Tybalt of the Luminous Order charged forward to engage it. The mezzoloth responded with a cloudkill, instantly killing the

After about a minute of skirmishing, the cloudkill drifted away, and SWAG re-engaged the mezzoloth. The mezzoloth responded with a dispel magic on SWAG and another cloudkill. Some of SWAG again backed away, and then attacked again once the cloudkill began to drift, finally killing the mezzoloth.
At that moment one of the gates opened with a blast of magic, sending hundreds of skulls and a large toad-like demon hurtling out of the gate. SWAG engaged the demon and Quintavian cast

Meanwhile, Red raced up the balcony, finding the gnoll warchief Gashkarr reading from a magical tome. Red chased him down the stairs. The sorceress then grabbed the tome from Gashkarr, grew leathery wings, and fled through the gate. Gashkarr followed, just as the gate magic ceased, dragging the demon and the two men's bodies with it. All was silent again in the gate room...
This is great info to know.