On the night of Flocktime 8, SWAG arrived at Andrushel and was greeted by a town guard watchpost. The guard welcomed the Luminous Order but was disheartened to hear that no reinforcements were behind them - SWAG was it for now. They recommended seeking out Town Speaker Wiston and Captain Sorrana (pictured at right).
Wiston and Sorrana quickly met up with SWAG, and asked for help driving away the hobgoblin raiders. SWAG agreed, for a price (500 gp/person if the hobgoblin menace is defeated). SWAG asked about Vraath Keep, and Wiston suggested they find the woodsman Jorr to help on their journey to the keep, which could be a base for the hobgoblins.
The following morning SWAG explored Andrushel, stocked up, and headed north into the Witchwood. They met Jorr's guard dogs, avoided a fight, and convinced Jorr to join them for only 10 gp per day.

Jorr led SWAG through the forest to the Dawn Way road. At a causeway over a deep bog, SWAG saw an overturned wagon. As SWAG approcahed, a 6-headed hydra attacked. After a pitched battle, with the hydra repeatedly fleeing to heal itself in mere seconds, SWAG raced to the other side of the causeway and pushed on to Vraath Keep...
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