On the balmy afternoon of Flocktime 10, SWAG enjoyed a brief repast at the inn at Andrushel after battling goblin forces at Vraath Keep. The council of Andrushel approached and enquired about SWAG's success in stopping the hobgoblin raids. SWAG told the village leaders that there may be more hobgoblins meeting at Cinder Hill, and agreed to investigate. The village began mustering its militia to defend against any new raids.
SWAG traveled to Jorr's cabin and spent the night there, prepared to head out toward Cinder Hill the next day. On Flocktime 11, SWAG journeyed on, again fighting the 6-headed hydra on the Dawn Way. The hydra's corpse was all that remained after a battle this time, floating in the murky water.
SWAG continued on past Vraath Keep, finding a forest giant effigy and a wide path leading off the road to the west. SWAG kept going and camped near the road a few hours' ride from Cinder Hill. On Flocktime 12, SWAG made it to Skull Gorge bridge, a key bottleneck along the road from Cinder Hill to Andrushel and the Valley of Obelisks.

The bridge was guarded by a large force of 2 hell hounds, 9 hobgoblins and a medium sized green dragon. Four hobgoblins stood guard on watch towers, armed with bows and arrows. SWAG engaged the enemy, striking down the hell hounds. The green dragon breathed deadly acid gas, nearly killing Quintavian, DeKelley, and his kobold cohort Sosukan. Meanwhile, Petra rode across the bridge to battle the hobgoblins there, Red captured a southern tower, and Odette and Jorr fired arrows at the enemy forces. With SWAG controlling both southern towers and the dragon readying for another acid gas attack, the battle raged on...
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