Camping near Skull Gorge, SWAG slept while Red kept watch. A few hours into the night, SWAG was awakened to the screams of Red being ripped to shreds by a large girallon. SWAG lept to Red's defense as the girallon began eating Red and dragged him off into the

Not knowing whether flying creatures accompanied the hobgoblins, SWAG chose to avoid battle, continued to Vraath Keep, and raced back to Andrushel, arriving before nightfall on Flocktime 17. SWAG warned the town council that a huge force was headed this way. The town council called an emergency session for the following day, and invited SWAG to join in. Finally, SWAG met the druid Avarthel and asked him if he could send an animal messenger to warn Sumberton. Avarthel said that he hadn't memorized that spell, but would do so in the morning.
About 2 am that night, screams rang out through the town as fires raced through buildings and the druid's grove on the west bank of Andrushel. SWAG and a dozen of the town guard and militia boarded the ferry for the long 6 minute ride across the river. By the time they arrived, many building and trees were in flames. Illuminated by the light of the flames, six goblins on worgs raced around the town, peppering townsfolk and the SWAG/town guard/militia forces with arrows. SWAG helped save children and townsfolk trapped in burning buildings and engaged the goblins in battle. SWAG also attempted to save the druid Avarthel, who emerged from his grove in flames. Unfortunately, Avarthel died of his injures before Petra could save him.
As the town guard slowly advanced and SWAG killed or chased away several goblin worg riders, a dozen hobgoblins emerged from the darkness. SWAG and the guard engaged the second wave of invaders, killing most of the hobgoblins. Two hobgoblin spellcasters with red hands emblazoned on their chests escaped. With the druid Avarthel as the only obvious hope to warn Sumberton, DeKelley used the staff of life found in Vraath Keep to raise the druid Avarthel.
The battle was won and Andrushel safe for now. Six militia and two town guard stationed at the west bank outposts were killed in the battle. DeKelley helped heal the others and all worked through the night to form bucket brigades to put out the fires.
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