SWAG organized the dwarven mercenaries, Tiri Kitor elf rangers, and town guard, along with the town's leaders and allies from the Luminous Order. As battle cries echoed through the night, a sudden storm swept into the square, knocking out the street lamps. Brave town guard ran forward to relight them, as the song of the horde's bard was heard singing an inspiring song to the troops.
With the sight of a goblin worg rider, the battle was on. Hobgoblins joined in as the Sumberton defenders moved to engage the attacks. Soon after, the horde's leaders emerged along with an assault force of hill giants and ogres. Petra rode forward to engage the enemy leader, Wyrmlord Hravek Kharn, a powerful hobgoblin in full plate red dragon scale armor. Odette and Trillian peppered the attackers with arrows while Quintavian enlarged the dwarves and DeKelley, and she blasted the enemy with magic attacks. DeKelley raced to heal the wounded.
As the battle raged, the horde leaders used their knowledge of SWAG from past battles to their advantage. Petra was flanked by giants as Kharn attacked with his wounding heavy pick. The ranger Saarvith fired bane arrows, knocking Harsty down. The bard Ulwai Stormcaller launched musical thunderstrikes while the bugbear Koth sent forth deadly lightning bolts. SWAG and the dwarves pummeled the hobgoblins, while the giants smashed through allied ranks and massacred town guard and elf archers.
Petra held off the attacks as long as she could, finally falling to pick and greatclub attacks, dying on the battlefield she fought to defend. But the tide had turned, and SWAG rallied to kill horde leader Khran and most of his minions, with most enemy troops killed, the other 3 horde leaders fled to fight another day.
After a night filled with raging battles, SWAG was victorious in driving off the horde. Through well-staged diplomacy, strong alliances and winning battlefield tactics, the horde proved too weak to regroup and scattered into the country. Chased down by the Luminous Order, the horde was vanquished, and the Valley of Obelisks was restored to peace.
In gratitude for SWAG's actions, Lord Carstellan granted each member of the group land and funds for a small keep, and Petra was raised from the dead. The Valley citizens began to rebuild the destroyed towns of Andrushel, Lukrimar Keep and Dondurran, while the Luminous Order moved to restore and fortify Vraath Keep to defend against any future threat. Peace and quiet returned to the Valley, for now....
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