SWAG headed to Cathedral Square as the sounds of skirmishes continued to echo through the streets and the Tiri Kitor engaged the dragons in the aerial combat. As SWAG approached the square, Carstellan contacted DeKelley again as choatic shouts erupted in the square. Carstellan said that the powerful wizard Immerstal had fallen before Carstellan suddenly fell silent.
At Cathedral Square, SWAG saw Luminary Champion Armin Harrack yelling for soldiers to take cover from an unseen sniper. A poisoned human bane arrow flew across the square, hitting Harrack, rendering him helpless, while other bane arrows hit SWAG. Quintavian cast fog cloud to provide cover as SWAG headed toward the source of the sniper attack. Petra flew into a coffin shop where the sniper was hiding - finding a blackspawn ninja that could disappear in the blink of an eye, deflty evading sword attacks. DeKelley raced to heal fallen soldiers and damage from the bane arrows.
After a well placed glitterdust, Petra and Odette fought Skather, the ninja sniper, while the rest of SWAG battled hobgoblin spellcasters. With nowhere the flee to, Skather and his hobgoblin horde agents were destroyed.
After the battle, Carstellan and Harrack were healed but badly weakened from the poison arrow attacks. From the skies, Sellyria Starsinger reported that a group of hobgoblins led by the horde leaders themselves was headed for Cathedral Square. SWAG would have to lead the troops in a final battle to defend Sumberton from the Red Hand horde.
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