Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Clockwork horror horde attacks, SWAG enters the Slaughterscar

The late spring heat began to grow in the Valley as SWAG awoke on the morning of Planting 22. SWAG ventured over to the Carstellan manor to claim the reward for freeing Jarrik Carstellan, son of Lord Carstellan. While they received their reward, Morna snuck into the kitchen to query the skullery maid, who said that she makes meals for both Lord Carstellan and Jarrik, but has not seen them recently.

The group also received 1 affiliation point with the Stiletto Crew for rescuing Phillius Stirp, leader of the Stiletto Crew, from the sewers. Ollie the Shakes expressed confidence that Phillius would soon be freed from the city jail.

Petra retrieved her new +1 full plate armor and summoned her Palidan mount, while Thelonius, Morna and DeKelley purchased horses for the ride south to the Shining Citadel. The group travelled 3 days by horse, stopping over briefly in Riverbend to chat with Carrack and Erlwyn at Riverbend U.

On the night of Planting 24, SWAG arrived in Jewelford and stayed the night at the inn. The morning of Planting 25 SWAG headed over to the Shining Citadel to receive payment for the adventures in Surrinak. Petra was inducted as a Luminary Captain and received a luminary tabard and Morna was inducted as a Knight Luminous. While at the Citadel, two dozen badly wounded knights rode from the south, reporting a pitched battle with about 100 electrum clockwork horrors and 2 lightning bolt shooting gold horrors. The horrors appeared to have been created from the ore barge previously reported missing. About 100 Sumberton troops marched south to engage the horrors that destroyed most of the shipping lanes and bridges to the south, which cut off vital metal ore supplies to Valley.

DeKelley and Luminous Order clerics helped heal the wounded knights while other knights suited up to ride south. With the Luminous Order stretched thin fighting the horrors to the south and gnolls near Kel's Rise, SWAG was asked to investigate a third piece of Slaughtergarde that Order clerics devined to be in the Slaughterscar, where dark forces may be opening a gate to the Abyss. The Order warned that the scar is patrolled by bands of powerful undead. SWAG would be paid 1,500 gp per person to destroy any gates there.

SWAG immediately returned to Jewelford for shopping, and encountered a bard who identified herself as with the Ebon Cabal. She offered SWAG 2,000 gp per person to keep any gates intact, rather than destroying them. She warned that the Order was short-sighted in seeking their destruction -- a powerful evil was growing and that the gates' magic could be turned against this growing force. SWAG reacted with skepticism, and the bard transformed into a hawk and flew off.

On Planting 26, SWAG began the short journey to the Slaughterscar. SWAG found a dark tunnel descending 500 feet below and entered to find 2 raging, powerful gnoll barbarians guarding a stockade. SWAG defeated the gnolls and passed through the stockade entrance to find 2 gnoll rangers guarding another fortified stockade and portcullis down a 100' hall. Thelonius opened fire with magic missiles while Petra ran down the hall, only to fall into a pit trap. With Petra stuck 40' down in full plate armor, the rest of SWAG fought for many rounds to help Petra escape and stop the gnoll arrow barrage. DeKelley raced to heal the wounded. After a lengthy, near-deadly battle, Morna clambored over the stockade and opened the portcullis, allowing Petra to kill the gnoll ranger.

Now about that large troll 15' feet away from the stockade with the iron mask secured over its face...

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