After battling the fang dragon to a draw, SWAG rode back to the Shining Citadel for some rest. Near the Citadel they again met with Naryalla, bard and representative of the Ebon Cabal. She repeated her plea that the group not destroy the demon gate, but instead help restore it so the Cabal could channel its power to protect the valley. SWAG was not pursuaded, but Thelonius continued his "discussions" with Naryalla throughout the night at a private room at the Jewelford Inn.
On the last day of Planting, SWAG rode to the Slaughterscar, and again suspected that someone might be following them. They entered the depths and fought two more gnoll archers. The archers, however, were rather green and failed to penetrate Petra's solid plate armor.
The archers were quickly overshadowed by the half-fiend orge that SWAG had finally killed the day before, now animated as a zombie. It crashed out of the pit and landed with a thud in the long hall, pummeling Secundus with a critical hit slam attack for more than 40 points of damage. DeKelley quickly cast close wounds on Secondus while SWAG counterattacked. Petra failed to turn the powerful zombie, which responded with a death dealing pounding to Secundus, sending him to his maker. SWAG continued the fight, with hacks, slashes and magic missile volleys finally sending the zombie crashing to the ground.
SWAG continued on to the troll, who said that Gashkarr was quite angry at his repeated mistakes in allowing intruders past. Rolff the troll was quite insistent that none shall pass, but SWAG finally intimidated him into letting them past, albeit with a warning for SWAG never to return.
SWAG entered the demon arch chamber and rode the SE elevator up, finding a room of non-
animated skeletal horses. Upstairs, a room barred from their side opened to find a dead gnoll, badly pummeled, and a 5x5' chest. As SWAG approached the chest, it grew an arm and slammed Odette, grappling her with its sticky appendage. SWAG battled back, with Petra's sword getting stuck on the chest creature. The skirmish finally ended with the creature's demise.
SWAG then rounded the corner, down some stairs, to a violet demon arch at the end of the corridor...
On the last day of Planting, SWAG rode to the Slaughterscar, and again suspected that someone might be following them. They entered the depths and fought two more gnoll archers. The archers, however, were rather green and failed to penetrate Petra's solid plate armor.
The archers were quickly overshadowed by the half-fiend orge that SWAG had finally killed the day before, now animated as a zombie. It crashed out of the pit and landed with a thud in the long hall, pummeling Secundus with a critical hit slam attack for more than 40 points of damage. DeKelley quickly cast close wounds on Secondus while SWAG counterattacked. Petra failed to turn the powerful zombie, which responded with a death dealing pounding to Secundus, sending him to his maker. SWAG continued the fight, with hacks, slashes and magic missile volleys finally sending the zombie crashing to the ground.
SWAG continued on to the troll, who said that Gashkarr was quite angry at his repeated mistakes in allowing intruders past. Rolff the troll was quite insistent that none shall pass, but SWAG finally intimidated him into letting them past, albeit with a warning for SWAG never to return.
SWAG entered the demon arch chamber and rode the SE elevator up, finding a room of non-

SWAG then rounded the corner, down some stairs, to a violet demon arch at the end of the corridor...

KIA - Secundus, Knight Luminous
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