The following day, on Planting 27, SWAG returned to the Citadel and was joined by 3 Knights Luminous who had returned from the front lines of the clockwork horror battles - Odette the 4th level Fighter specializing in shot-on-the-run bow attacks, Lundquist the Elf 4th level Ranger, and Secundus the 4th level Paladin. The 3 joined Petra, Thelonius and DeKelley in returning to the Slaughterscar.
A reinforced SWAG entered the scar, again having a feeling of being followed but not spotting anyone in the scarry mists. SWAG descended and again fought 2 gnoll archers in the long excavated corridor. After a short battle, SWAG was victorious.
DeKelley again talked his way past the troll and the group descended the elevator to again fight the half-fiend ogre. SWAG engaged the orge in a tough battle. Petra and Secundus both fell unconscious, but were healed by DeKelley and the fiendish ogre was vanquished.
SWAG explored the orge room's 4 demon gates, which shot a beam of light onto the chest of anyone standing in front of them. SWAG found the ogre's hidden claw medallion -- the two southern gates scanned this medallion and temporarily disabled the gates' fire, allowing passage. Both southern gates led to elevators going up. SWAG entered the SW gate and rode up the elevator.

At the top, SWAG entered a hallway and took stairs to the south to another fire gate. The claw medallion allowed this gate to also temporarily shut down its fire. Beyond was a large fang dragon that attacked SWAG, while two humanoids with horned heads watched the battle from the top of the room's stairs. SWAG damaged the dragon, but with healing spells low retreated to continue the fight another day.
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