Monday, December 3, 2007

R.I.P. Red, We'll Especially Miss Your Glowing Posterior

SWAG helped Andrushel recover from a second goblin raid as the remaining residents prepared to flee. On a drizzling Flocktime 20, the last of the residents left the village, heading south toward the settlements in the Valley. SWAG remained in town briefly, destroying remaining goods in the village warehouse and destroying the ferry barges that the Red Hand horde could have used to cross the river in Andrushel.

On the hot and sunny morning of Flocktime 21, SWAG left the now empty town of Andrushel, with the horde a mere 1 day away from the village. SWAG began a 6 day journey into the Headwater Hills to investigate a roadblock on the road to potential allies in the Dwarven Lands.

During the trip, SWAG saw an athach -- a massive three-armed giant -- on the side of road, which began lobbing rocks at the group. SWAG responded with attacks while Red and Petra closed to fight the giant. With the athach taking a pounding, it lashed out at Red. DeKelley closed Red's wounds, saving him from death. But then a critical hit bite attack lopped off Red's head. Red was dead. SWAG avenged Red's death and gave him a proper burial.

With Red gone, SWAG pressed on through the Headwater Hills and into the swampy bog where the ruins of Rhest apparently lay hidden. A call for help and a glowing light in the bog led SWAG to investigate, only to find a will o' wisp ambush. After several electrical shocks from the will o' wisp, SWAG dispatched the creature.

Finally, SWAG reached the hobgoblin roadblock. With fireballs, flaming spheres and oil attacks, SWAG injured, killed and/or set fire to the minions of evil guarding the roadblock. One hobgoblin lept 20' off the burning roadblack rooftop in a desperate attempt to escape, only to be cut down in SWAG's complete victory over the forces of evil.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Raids on Andrushel Continue As Residents Prepare To Flee

A fatigued SWAG spent the night helping to put out fires and returned in the morning to the inn for breakfast. The innkeeper mentioned that most folks in town, along with the town council, would be holding a memorial service for the children and militia who died in the fighting the night before. SWAG declined to attend the service, except for Petra who paid her respects.

SWAG then attended the town council meeting where each council member stated their view on the best approach to combat the increased raids and threat of attack. SWAG informed the town that they had about 5 days until the horde attacked.

DeKelley urged that the town quickly flee. The council members stated that it would take a few days to convince the farmers to pack up all their belongings and abandon the homes they have lived in all their lives, particularly with food still in the fields and that needed to be quickly harvested to feed the refugees on the journey, and supplies that needed to be ferried from the west bank warehouse. Petra argued that the town should pack up and leave as soon as they could, and that perhaps SWAG could stay to briefly harry the horde and delay its advance. Odette grew frustrated with the town's slow pace, and called the town's leaders murderers and the townsfolk stupid.

The council decided to urge all residents to pack up and leave as soon as possible, estimating that the evacuation of all citizens and retrieval of food and warehoused supplies would take about 3 days.

After the council meeting, commotion in the streets led SWAG to attempt to stop a horse riding through town with a flaming wagon. A chimera soon appeared, attacking SWAG and nearly killing a child and mother fleeing the battle. SWAG drove off the wounded chimera and spent that day helping the militia and tending for the wounded. Several wagonloads of refugees from south of town arrived seeking shelter. SWAG informed them that it was not safe here - they had to turn back and head south.

The following day, SWAG continued to help train militia and care for the wounded. As the first wave of refugees left for Lukrimar Keep, a thunderstorm rained down, slowing the warehouse ferry. A Luminous Order knight named Teyana Suri rode into town, bringing news of a roadblock preventing travel to the northern cities and dwarf towns beyond the Headwater Hills.

That night another raid took place during a driving rainstorm, with 3 goblin worg riders and a hobgoblin spellcaster fighting in the west bank. SWAG killed the goblins and worgs and drove off the hobgoblin.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Goblins Attacking the West Bank!

Faced with the daunting reality of thousands of goblinoids and their allies massing at Cinder Hill, SWAG began the journey back to Andrushel, planning to lay traps along the way. The detour around the now-ruined Skull Gorge bridge would take about 3 days.

Camping near Skull Gorge, SWAG slept while Red kept watch. A few hours into the night, SWAG was awakened to the screams of Red being ripped to shreds by a large girallon. SWAG lept to Red's defense as the girallon began eating Red and dragged him off into the woods. SWAG gave chase and repeatedly attacked the girallon, finally killing it before it could finish its buggy dinner. DeKelley healed Red and SWAG continued on to the other side of Skull Gorge, and Jorr warned that at least 100 hobgoblins had set up camp on the Cinder Hill side of the gorge.

Not knowing whether flying creatures accompanied the hobgoblins, SWAG chose to avoid battle, continued to Vraath Keep, and raced back to Andrushel, arriving before nightfall on Flocktime 17. SWAG warned the town council that a huge force was headed this way. The town council called an emergency session for the following day, and invited SWAG to join in. Finally, SWAG met the druid Avarthel and asked him if he could send an animal messenger to warn Sumberton. Avarthel said that he hadn't memorized that spell, but would do so in the morning.

About 2 am that night, screams rang out through the town as fires raced through buildings and the druid's grove on the west bank of Andrushel. SWAG and a dozen of the town guard and militia boarded the ferry for the long 6 minute ride across the river. By the time they arrived, many building and trees were in flames. Illuminated by the light of the flames, six goblins on worgs raced around the town, peppering townsfolk and the SWAG/town guard/militia forces with arrows. SWAG helped save children and townsfolk trapped in burning buildings and engaged the goblins in battle. SWAG also attempted to save the druid Avarthel, who emerged from his grove in flames. Unfortunately, Avarthel died of his injures before Petra could save him.

As the town guard slowly advanced and SWAG killed or chased away several goblin worg riders, a dozen hobgoblins emerged from the darkness. SWAG and the guard engaged the second wave of invaders, killing most of the hobgoblins. Two hobgoblin spellcasters with red hands emblazoned on their chests escaped. With the druid Avarthel as the only obvious hope to warn Sumberton, DeKelley used the staff of life found in Vraath Keep to raise the druid Avarthel.

The battle was won and Andrushel safe for now. Six militia and two town guard stationed at the west bank outposts were killed in the battle. DeKelley helped heal the others and all worked through the night to form bucket brigades to put out the fires.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Madness! Madness!

The battle of Skull Gorge Bridge raged on, with Thelonous joining the fray. Tired of the mighty slashes by Petra's greatsword, the dragon Ozyrrandion yelled to the hobgoblins to rip her off her horse. They grabbed her repeatedly, yanking her to the ground, while the bugbear Koth fired magic missiles and lightning bolts at SWAG.

SWAG fired arrows, magic missiles and fireballs, while Red stormed across the bridge to engage the foes. Petra rose, enduring opportunity attacks and leaping onto her horse with a grand fast mount. Red and Petra then began slashing away at the hobgoblins, dropping them left and right. DeKelley raced to heal all of the wounds caused by the hobgoblins and dragon.

With the battle turning against the Red Hand, Ozyrrandion the dragon retrieved an invisibility potion while Koth drank a fly potion to flee. The dragon made one last appearance, enduring yet another fireball before unleashing his acid breath attack and diving into the gorge to make his escape.

With the battle won, SWAG spent an hour searching the bridge and the camp, finding a weak spot in the bridge. Red hacked away at it collapsing it into the river 150' below.

SWAG pressed on to Cinder Hill. Late in the afternoon of Flocktime 12, SWAG saw the full picture of the Red Hand menace. A vast encampment in the valley below Cinder Hill of thousands of goblins, hobgoblins, and worgs, joined by dozens of giants, siege engines, and other creatures such as manticores and a red dragon swooping overhead.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Battle of Skull Gorge

On the balmy afternoon of Flocktime 10, SWAG enjoyed a brief repast at the inn at Andrushel after battling goblin forces at Vraath Keep. The council of Andrushel approached and enquired about SWAG's success in stopping the hobgoblin raids. SWAG told the village leaders that there may be more hobgoblins meeting at Cinder Hill, and agreed to investigate. The village began mustering its militia to defend against any new raids.

SWAG traveled to Jorr's cabin and spent the night there, prepared to head out toward Cinder Hill the next day. On Flocktime 11, SWAG journeyed on, again fighting the 6-headed hydra on the Dawn Way. The hydra's corpse was all that remained after a battle this time, floating in the murky water.

SWAG continued on past Vraath Keep, finding a forest giant effigy and a wide path leading off the road to the west. SWAG kept going and camped near the road a few hours' ride from Cinder Hill. On Flocktime 12, SWAG made it to Skull Gorge bridge, a key bottleneck along the road from Cinder Hill to Andrushel and the Valley of Obelisks.

The bridge was guarded by a large force of 2 hell hounds, 9 hobgoblins and a medium sized green dragon. Four hobgoblins stood guard on watch towers, armed with bows and arrows. SWAG engaged the enemy, striking down the hell hounds. The green dragon breathed deadly acid gas, nearly killing Quintavian, DeKelley, and his kobold cohort Sosukan. Meanwhile, Petra rode across the bridge to battle the hobgoblins there, Red captured a southern tower, and Odette and Jorr fired arrows at the enemy forces. With SWAG controlling both southern towers and the dragon readying for another acid gas attack, the battle raged on...

Friday, October 5, 2007

Uncovering the Mysteries of Vraath Keep

After the battle at Vraath Keep, SWAG spent several hours searching its rooms and healing. Red, Quintavian and Petra gained a level, with Red specializing in improved bull rush, Quintavian learning the powerful fireball spell (useful during enemy group photos) and Petra getting in touch with her mysterious air elemental affinity to learn how to levitate.

In the tower, SWAG found a dead farmer glowing with a pale green magical light. DeKelley suspected this was a ruse to convince travelers that the keep was haunted. SWAG also found a long undisturbed vault with what is likely the body of Avery Vraath and his treasure -- many coins, a powerful staff of life, magic armor and weapons, the deed to Vraath Keep itself, 2 letters of credit and Avery's papers, many of which mentioned a kingdom of Rhest. Upstairs in the hobgoblin lair, SWAG also found a paper with strange, unidentifiable writing on it.

SWAG spent the night at the keep, and then returned to Andrushel on Flocktime 10, rushing past the hydra on the Dawn Way's swamp bridge. SWAG spoke with the town speaker, militia captain and other local leaders about the map found at the keep and their next steps...

Friday, September 28, 2007

Assault on Vraath Keep

With a rallying cry of "Death to the Gardener's Shack!" SWAG stormed the hobgoblin base at Vraath Keep. Step 1 - investigate the rotting vegetable garden and decrepit gardener's shack. Step 2 -destroy the gardener's shack. With Odette's determined rattling, the old shack collapsed with a thundering crash.

Perhaps alerted by the crash outside, goblin worg riders emerged from the keep and attacked with bows and scimitars. A worg repeatedly tore into Red, yanking him to the ground. Red and Petra responded with hack and slash attacks while Odette peppered the goblins with arrows. Quintavian threw magic missiles and DeKelley was ready with healing and alchemist fire. As the battle turned against the goblins, a manticore flew up and perched itself on the roof of the old keep, watching but otherwise seeming grumpy and bored. Two hobgoblins with banded mail and short swords emerged to join the fight, but were struck down by melee weapons and cleave attacks.

SWAG entered the keep, finding two more hobgoblins. A hobgoblin admonished the manticore for its laziness and ordered it to attack, as Koth was paying it to do. It reluctantly flew up and fired repeated spike volleys from its tail at SWAG. The battle raged on, and Red chased a hobgoblin into a room in the keep. A massive minotaur and a spell-casting bugbear entered the room and attacked. Red backed away while DeKelley and Quintavian fired a web and then fireball into the room.

The minotaur attempted a charge on DeKelley with its sharp horns, but Red, Petra and her horse struck it down. SWAG chased off the wounded manticore with cries of, "You're not paying me enough for this!" The bugbear then drank a fly potion and escaped, leaving the hobgoblin to yell, "The Red Hand will prevail" as he was killed.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Which way to the Witchwood?

On the night of Flocktime 8, SWAG arrived at Andrushel and was greeted by a town guard watchpost. The guard welcomed the Luminous Order but was disheartened to hear that no reinforcements were behind them - SWAG was it for now. They recommended seeking out Town Speaker Wiston and Captain Sorrana (pictured at right).

Wiston and Sorrana quickly met up with SWAG, and asked for help driving away the hobgoblin raiders. SWAG agreed, for a price (500 gp/person if the hobgoblin menace is defeated). SWAG asked about Vraath Keep, and Wiston suggested they find the woodsman Jorr to help on their journey to the keep, which could be a base for the hobgoblins.

The following morning SWAG explored Andrushel, stocked up, and headed north into the Witchwood. They met Jorr's guard dogs, avoided a fight, and convinced Jorr to join them for only 10 gp per day.

Jorr led SWAG through the forest to the Dawn Way road. At a causeway over a deep bog, SWAG saw an overturned wagon. As SWAG approcahed, a 6-headed hydra attacked. After a pitched battle, with the hydra repeatedly fleeing to heal itself in mere seconds, SWAG raced to the other side of the causeway and pushed on to Vraath Keep...

Monday, September 17, 2007

How Do You Sing 'Girl From Ipanema' In Gnoll?

After the gate battle, SWAG searched the gate room and found a note to Gashkarr, describing a gathering of forces near Vraath Keep, a place unknown to SWAG. SWAG destroyed 2 gate sigils to disable the gate, an act that would greatly displease the Ebon Cabal. SWAG then decided to spend the night in the gate room resting, with Red on guard. Red surprised a powerfully-built gnoll (later determined to be a flind), and SWAG dispatched him after a short battle.

SWAG awoke the next morning, Flocktime 2, and headed back to the main elevator room. There they encountered 3 gnoll priestesses carrying a large ark with animated severed heads, and quickly webbed them all in place. As the web burst into flames from the nearby flaming demon arches, the gnolls desperately tried to escape, but were burned in the process. Quintavian countered an invisibility attempt with a well-placed glitterdust and Red bull rushed a gnoll into the ark of severed heads.

As SWAG defeated the two ark-bearers, the 3rd gnoll fled to the elevator and Petra rushed in as the doors were closing. Petra's luminary tabard unfortunately burned to a crisp in the process. Petra battled the gnoll up the elevator, bull rushed her way out and chased the gnoll down stairs to a hall ending in 4 doors. The doors were barred before the gnoll could enter, with high pitched voices cheering on the battle from behind the doors. The final gnoll was killed, and SWAG retreated back to the Shining Citadel with the ark.

At the Citadel, the Luminous Order promoted Petra to Luminary Champion and gave her a greatsword of the celestial host +1 and a new luminary tabard. Odette and DeKelley were also inducted as Luminary Captains. The Order reported slow progress in the clockwork horror battles, and asked SWAG to journey to Andrushel to check out Vraath Keep, located just beyond the town.

SWAG journeyed on to Andrushel, stopping at the U. in Riverbend, and checking in with Armin Harrak and shopping in Sumberton. Lukrimar Keep welcomed the group and finally, on the hot summery day of Flocktime 8, they neared Andrushel. A large force of hobgoblins and fire-breathing dog-like creatures waited in ambush, however, attacking from fortified positions along the road near an old farm house.

After an intense battle that nearly saw the end of Red and Quintavian, the battle was won. SWAG found a map of a town on the hobgoblin leader and a dead farmer, merchant and 3 bodyguards in the farmhouse. SWAG also found a note on the merchant, dated nearly a week ago, asking for help from increasing bandit attacks...

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Fonz is Jumping His Motorcycle Over What?!

After the lenghty troglodyte battles, SWAG made their made to the mimic room to rest overnight. On the morning of the first day of the new month of Flocktime, SWAG went back to the troglodyte room and disabled the violet demon arch. Water cascaded down the stairs out of the room, and SWAG descended, reaching a pool of water at the bottom of long sets of stairs.

Across the water was a woman who greeted the group. She announced that she was a sorceress with "that other organization" and had slipped this far into the dungeon using stealth magic. She said that Gashkarr was nearby, attempting to open the demon gate, and she was willing to join them in disabling it.

SWAG opened nearby doors to a large chamber with 4 gates, 3 of them obviously broken. A mezzoloth wielding a trident was guarding the chamber, and Tybalt of the Luminous Order charged forward to engage it. The mezzoloth responded with a cloudkill, instantly killing the brave Tybalt and sending other SWAGgers retreating to a safe distance. Petra, immune from poison, continued to engage the mezzoloth, while DeKelley cast poison protection scrolls on SWAG. Meanwhile, a chanting was heard from a hidden position at a balcony beyond.

After about a minute of skirmishing, the cloudkill drifted away, and SWAG re-engaged the mezzoloth. The mezzoloth responded with a dispel magic on SWAG and another cloudkill. Some of SWAG again backed away, and then attacked again once the cloudkill began to drift, finally killing the mezzoloth.

At that moment one of the gates opened with a blast of magic, sending hundreds of skulls and a large toad-like demon hurtling out of the gate. SWAG engaged the demon and Quintavian cast dispel magic on the gate. The dispel attempt failed, but caused a cascade of magical force to again hurtle out of the gate. Two men dressed in blue uniforms and wearing a strange metal weapon were blasted out of the gate. The startled men opened fire on the demon with the weapons they called revolvers. The demon battled back, eventually killing the two men.

Meanwhile, Red raced up the balcony, finding the gnoll warchief Gashkarr reading from a magical tome. Red chased him down the stairs. The sorceress then grabbed the tome from Gashkarr, grew leathery wings, and fled through the gate. Gashkarr followed, just as the gate magic ceased, dragging the demon and the two men's bodies with it. All was silent again in the gate room...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Troglodytes? Perfect Time for a Swimsuit Competition

While pondering how to get past the violet demon arch, a roguish human approached. After some questioning, SWAG agreed to allow the rogue Kerylen to join the group, and he proceeded to disable the demon arch.

SWAG entered a flooded armory -- a waterfall cascaded through an opening in the wall, pouring water into the room. The water covered the floor and filled a pit in the center of the room. Along the edges were weapon racks with dozens of piercing and slashing weapons, along with a Luminous Order knight, tied up and unconscious. Guarding the room -- two troglodytes. SWAG engaged the troglodytes while DeKelley healed Tybalt of the Luminous Order. Another troglodyte them shot up out of the pit, slowing descending to the floor and casting spells to attack SWAG. After a lengthy 1 1/2 minute battle, the heavily injured troglodytes fled by diving into the water pit, and SWAG was victorious.

Odette then volunteered to swim into the pit to see where the troglodytes went. She found a flooded ranged weapon armory room below, the weapons destroyed by the water. A flooded stairway went up at the other end of the room. She swam up and was immediately attacked by heavily armored troglodytes with halberds. She was heavily wounded, but barely escaped.

SWAG then prepared to swim to engage the other troglodytes. Petra, in her full plate armor, was not up for swimming. With assistance she removed her armor and was buffed with mage armor and shield of faith. Petra, the high charisma, blonde teenage paladin, waering only her standard issue Luminous Order lingerie and longsword, then swam with SWAG through the water to fight the troglodytes.

SWAG swam to the other room, a bludgeoning weapon armory, and engaged in yet another lenghty battle with the heavily armoed troglodytes. After another 1 1/2 minutes of skirmishing, SWAG was victorious.

Friday, August 24, 2007

He's Undead Now, But He Packs a Wallop

After battling the fang dragon to a draw, SWAG rode back to the Shining Citadel for some rest. Near the Citadel they again met with Naryalla, bard and representative of the Ebon Cabal. She repeated her plea that the group not destroy the demon gate, but instead help restore it so the Cabal could channel its power to protect the valley. SWAG was not pursuaded, but Thelonius continued his "discussions" with Naryalla throughout the night at a private room at the Jewelford Inn.

On the last day of Planting, SWAG rode to the Slaughterscar, and again suspected that someone might be following them. They entered the depths and fought two more gnoll archers. The archers, however, were rather green and failed to penetrate Petra's solid plate armor.

The archers were quickly overshadowed by the half-fiend orge that SWAG had finally killed the day before, now animated as a zombie. It crashed out of the pit and landed with a thud in the long hall, pummeling Secundus with a critical hit slam attack for more than 40 points of damage. DeKelley quickly cast close wounds on Secondus while SWAG counterattacked. Petra failed to turn the powerful zombie, which responded with a death dealing pounding to Secundus, sending him to his maker. SWAG continued the fight, with hacks, slashes and magic missile volleys finally sending the zombie crashing to the ground.

SWAG continued on to the troll, who said that Gashkarr was quite angry at his repeated mistakes in allowing intruders past. Rolff the troll was quite insistent that none shall pass, but SWAG finally intimidated him into letting them past, albeit with a warning for SWAG never to return.

SWAG entered the demon arch chamber and rode the SE elevator up, finding a room of non-animated skeletal horses. Upstairs, a room barred from their side opened to find a dead gnoll, badly pummeled, and a 5x5' chest. As SWAG approached the chest, it grew an arm and slammed Odette, grappling her with its sticky appendage. SWAG battled back, with Petra's sword getting stuck on the chest creature. The skirmish finally ended with the creature's demise.

SWAG then rounded the corner, down some stairs, to a violet demon arch at the end of the corridor...

KIA - Secundus, Knight Luminous

Friday, August 17, 2007

Luminous Order Reinforcements

SWAG returned to the Shining Citadel after suffering heavy losses in their Slaughterscar raid. The Citadel was surrounded by military tents treating the wounded and burying the dead from the clockwork horror battles to the south. SWAG sold some of Petra's items to raise her from the dead, buried Morna, and spent the night licking their wounds.

The following day, on Planting 27, SWAG returned to the Citadel and was joined by 3 Knights Luminous who had returned from the front lines of the clockwork horror battles - Odette the 4th level Fighter specializing in shot-on-the-run bow attacks, Lundquist the Elf 4th level Ranger, and Secundus the 4th level Paladin. The 3 joined Petra, Thelonius and DeKelley in returning to the Slaughterscar.

A reinforced SWAG entered the scar, again having a feeling of being followed but not spotting anyone in the scarry mists. SWAG descended and again fought 2 gnoll archers in the long excavated corridor. After a short battle, SWAG was victorious.

DeKelley again talked his way past the troll and the group descended the elevator to again fight the half-fiend ogre. SWAG engaged the orge in a tough battle. Petra and Secundus both fell unconscious, but were healed by DeKelley and the fiendish ogre was vanquished.

SWAG explored the orge room's 4 demon gates, which shot a beam of light onto the chest of anyone standing in front of them. SWAG found the ogre's hidden claw medallion -- the two southern gates scanned this medallion and temporarily disabled the gates' fire, allowing passage. Both southern gates led to elevators going up. SWAG entered the SW gate and rode up the elevator.

At the top, SWAG entered a hallway and took stairs to the south to another fire gate. The claw medallion allowed this gate to also temporarily shut down its fire. Beyond was a large fang dragon that attacked SWAG, while two humanoids with horned heads watched the battle from the top of the room's stairs. SWAG damaged the dragon, but with healing spells low retreated to continue the fight another day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

SWAG Suffers Heavy Casualties in Slaughterscar Raid

After defeating the elite gnoll guards, SWAG turned their attention to the massive troll standing just a few feet down the corridor. The troll called out in the gnoll language, asking who was there. It was bound with an iron mask secured over its face blocking its sight and heavy chains bolting it to the wall.

DeKelley, the only SWAG member to speak gnoll, responded that they were friends of Gashkarr. DeKelley had overheard the gnoll guards mention Gashkarr's name in the initial assault into the Slaughterscar. After a few gifts of "crunchies" to the hungry troll, DeKelley managed to sweet-talk the troll into letting them pass. The troll, Rolff, even offered to lower SWAG down the 50' dropoff using the winch and elevator system the gnolls had set up to ease their descent into the excavated tunnels.

SWAG descended and hopped off the escalator. Around the corner was a large beast, with rippling muscles and wings, and wearing full plate armor and a shining falchion. It stood in an ancient room with a fallen statue and four flaming demon arches. The creature appeared unaware of SWAG, so Petra cast bless and Quintavian cast mage armor to buff the group.

The creature heard the spellcasters' enchantments and moved to attack while also creating a shadowy field around its falchion. Morna lept forward while the rest of the group advanced. The creature charged Morna, causing substantial damage. Quintavian cast enlarge person on Petra to increase the damage she could inflict with her longsword +1.

As Morna retreated for healing, Petra moved forward but missed the creature. It responded with a devastating blow, critically hitting for massive damage. DeKelley attempted to heal Petra, but she was hit again, dropping her to -11 hp and an untimely death. With Petra down, Red moved forward while Morna slipped behind the creature. Quintavian blasted the creature with magic missiles, penetrating its spell resistance about half the time. The creature responded with another devastating blow, dropping Morna unconscious and dying. Red attacked and missed, and then he too fell unconscious from the creature's unyielding assault.

With most of SWAG down, Quintavian summoned a celestial eagle, which managed two miraculous 20's to hit, injuring the creature. Quintavian continued her magic missile barrage while the creature attacked the eagle, inflicting massive damage and sending it back to its celestial plane. DeKelley retreated to the elevator until it looked like the creature was fleeing from its wounds. But before DeKelley could reach her, Morna failed to stabilize, and died from her wounds. Red remained unconscious, presumed dead, but unbeknownst to the group, still clinging to life. DeKelley and Quintavian dragged the bodies of their friends out of the Slaughterscar and rode back to the Shining Citadel for help.

Killed in action - Petra, Morna
Severely wounded - Red, evil creature
Sent back to its celestial plane after two miraculous attacks - summoned celestial eagle

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Clockwork horror horde attacks, SWAG enters the Slaughterscar

The late spring heat began to grow in the Valley as SWAG awoke on the morning of Planting 22. SWAG ventured over to the Carstellan manor to claim the reward for freeing Jarrik Carstellan, son of Lord Carstellan. While they received their reward, Morna snuck into the kitchen to query the skullery maid, who said that she makes meals for both Lord Carstellan and Jarrik, but has not seen them recently.

The group also received 1 affiliation point with the Stiletto Crew for rescuing Phillius Stirp, leader of the Stiletto Crew, from the sewers. Ollie the Shakes expressed confidence that Phillius would soon be freed from the city jail.

Petra retrieved her new +1 full plate armor and summoned her Palidan mount, while Thelonius, Morna and DeKelley purchased horses for the ride south to the Shining Citadel. The group travelled 3 days by horse, stopping over briefly in Riverbend to chat with Carrack and Erlwyn at Riverbend U.

On the night of Planting 24, SWAG arrived in Jewelford and stayed the night at the inn. The morning of Planting 25 SWAG headed over to the Shining Citadel to receive payment for the adventures in Surrinak. Petra was inducted as a Luminary Captain and received a luminary tabard and Morna was inducted as a Knight Luminous. While at the Citadel, two dozen badly wounded knights rode from the south, reporting a pitched battle with about 100 electrum clockwork horrors and 2 lightning bolt shooting gold horrors. The horrors appeared to have been created from the ore barge previously reported missing. About 100 Sumberton troops marched south to engage the horrors that destroyed most of the shipping lanes and bridges to the south, which cut off vital metal ore supplies to Valley.

DeKelley and Luminous Order clerics helped heal the wounded knights while other knights suited up to ride south. With the Luminous Order stretched thin fighting the horrors to the south and gnolls near Kel's Rise, SWAG was asked to investigate a third piece of Slaughtergarde that Order clerics devined to be in the Slaughterscar, where dark forces may be opening a gate to the Abyss. The Order warned that the scar is patrolled by bands of powerful undead. SWAG would be paid 1,500 gp per person to destroy any gates there.

SWAG immediately returned to Jewelford for shopping, and encountered a bard who identified herself as with the Ebon Cabal. She offered SWAG 2,000 gp per person to keep any gates intact, rather than destroying them. She warned that the Order was short-sighted in seeking their destruction -- a powerful evil was growing and that the gates' magic could be turned against this growing force. SWAG reacted with skepticism, and the bard transformed into a hawk and flew off.

On Planting 26, SWAG began the short journey to the Slaughterscar. SWAG found a dark tunnel descending 500 feet below and entered to find 2 raging, powerful gnoll barbarians guarding a stockade. SWAG defeated the gnolls and passed through the stockade entrance to find 2 gnoll rangers guarding another fortified stockade and portcullis down a 100' hall. Thelonius opened fire with magic missiles while Petra ran down the hall, only to fall into a pit trap. With Petra stuck 40' down in full plate armor, the rest of SWAG fought for many rounds to help Petra escape and stop the gnoll arrow barrage. DeKelley raced to heal the wounded. After a lengthy, near-deadly battle, Morna clambored over the stockade and opened the portcullis, allowing Petra to kill the gnoll ranger.

Now about that large troll 15' feet away from the stockade with the iron mask secured over its face...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Deeper Into the Sumberton Sewers

Morna, DeKelley, Petra and Quintavian continued on deeper into the Sumberton sewers. They noticed that the polluted water in one of the sewer channels was swirling in the wrong direction and investigated. The water quickly came to life, as a polluted water elemental slammed its watery appendage into Morna. SWAG engaged the elemental, although Morna and DeKelley were sickened from its polluted stench. As the battle raged, DeKelley raced around, healing the wounded so they could continue the fight.

The elemental retreated into the water and formed a swirling whirlpool that kicked up slimy debris in a blinding vortex. Shortly thereafter, the elemental emerged again, continuing to attack until it was finally brought down from weapon slashes, magic missiles and the like.

SWAG pressed on and explored the abandoned brewery, finding tracks that led out and into a secret door. SWAG opened the door and saw a wererat standing over two unconscious and tied up bodies. Two electrum clockwork horrors were also in the room, busily sawing away at wooden support beams that held up the crumbling city walls above.

The clockwork horrors fired pressure darts at Petra and SWAG responded with sword and magic attacks. The wererat fired a crossbow, missing several times before fleeing down a drain. The clockwork horrors wounded some of the heroes but were destroyed before they could do too much harm.

After the battle, DeKelley healed the unconscious men, both of whom had strange bite marks on their necks. The first announced himself as Jarrik Carstellan, son of Lord Carstellan, ruler of Sumberton. He demanded a quick escort out of the dank sewers. The second man announced himself as Phillius Stirp, leader of the Stiletto Crew. Jarrik demanded Stirp's arrest.

SWAG escorted the bunch out of the sewers and the riff-raffy part of town. Jarrik summoned the guard, who took Stirp away, and promised a reward to SWAG the next day. SWAG informed Ollie the Shakes of the result and shuffled off for a night's sleep at the inn. Morna, DeKelley, Petra and Quintavian each gained a level -the first two to level 4, the other two to level 5.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Sumberton Sewers

On the full moon night of Planting 18, SWAG rested fairly well in the small beds of the gnome town of Riverbend, after days of tough adventuring and the death of SWAGger Erlwyn. Carrack retired from SWAG and brought Erlwyn's body back to Riverbend University to have her raised from the dead with the proceeds of their conquests.

On Planting 19, SWAG met two new travelers, Morna, a rogueish one, and DeKelley the Healer. These two joined SWAG on their journey north to Sumberton. SWAG obtained passage on a barge carrying lumbering equipment destined for new logging operations at Lukrimar Keep.

SWAG spent the day traveling by barge and overnighted at a small tent city half-way between Riverbend and Sumberton. Quintavian shacked up with a barge mercenary while Red observed their bargekeeper's sleeping habits at an uncomfortably close level.

On Planting 20 SWAG continued the journey north, and soon saw the Sumberton army marching south to deal with an attack on the shipping lanes. SWAG learned that a metal ore carrying barge disappeared a week or so ago and that was followed by an attack that threatened to cut off the Valley's contacts with the Southern Cities. This could mean limited ores for the Valley and no trade in the Valley's farmed goods with the larger cities to the south. That night SWAG arrived in Sumberton and slept at the inn for their finest rest in many days.

On Planting 21, Petra ordered a suit of magical full plate armor while the rest of SWAG learned that Ollie the Shakes, a go-between for the Stiletto Crew, had been looking for Erlwyn. Ollie met up with Morna, DeKelley and Red and hired them to retrieve the Stiletto Crew's leader who had been kidnapped by a foe working out of the eastern sewers.

SWAG then met Armin Harrack of the Luminous Order for dinner. He thanked them for their work in Surrinak and advised SWAG to go to the Shining Citadel to receive their reward. He also recommended that Petra and the others accept the Luminous Order's offer to have them join the Order. The Order has been busy fighting gnolls near Kel's Rise, repelling the attack on the southern shipping lanes, and patrolling the Slaughterscar, and could use SWAG's help.

SWAG then met up with Ollie at dusk and headed to the eatern sewers. Ollie gave SWAG a map of the sewers. Before reaching the sewers, goblin snipers attacked from the rooftops, knocking Ollie unconscious. SWAG lept up to attack the snipers, killing one while the other appeared to summon a large owl and escaped. DeKelley healed Ollie and then SWAG headed into the sewers.

The sewers are filled with flowing green, polluted water. Out of the water emerged a swarm of several hundred rats. They scored a few bites but were quickly dispersed by a SWAG now better prepared to fight swarms. Now, deeper into the sewers...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

R.I.P. Erlwyn

Fresh off the battle with the black dragon and truce with the yuan-ti, SWAG proceeded to the few doors that lead to areas yet to be explored, still looking for the larger gate.

After disabling yet another smaller flaming demon gate, SWAG came to a door. It was barred from the inside with what appeared to be a warning written in Undercommon and the sound of crackling flames beyond. Fearing the worst (and not understanding Undercommon), SWAG powered up with a few protection from fire and from evil spells and opened the door.

Inside stood a creature that appeared to be made of molten lava, surrounded by statues of demons and a massive sarcophagus of a blackguard on a nightmare. Behind the sarcophagus lay 2 dead drow with massive burned holes in their chests. Petra stormed into the room while Erlwyn hit the magma creature with an arrow. The creature responded by hurling a flaming ball of hot magma at Erlwyn, mortally wounding Erlwyn and dropping her to -9 hp. SWAG continued its assault on the magma hurler, but was unable to save the brave gnome, who perished after failing a stabilization check. Carrack cried out at the death of his beloved.

SWAG continued to pepper the magma creature with magic missiles and attacked with melee weapons. It hurled another magma ball at Red, injuring him. SWAG hit back, and defeated the slayer of Erlwyn. Carrack used a coup de grace to ensure its demise. SWAG searched the chamber, deciphering an Abyssal warning on the sarcophagus that it was the final resting place of a great and powerful warrior. SWAG thought best not to disturb it.

After Erlwyn's death, SWAG pressed on, disabling a powerful flaming gate and opening a door to find a small arachnid-like metal being with a saw for a mouth, called an electrum clockwork horror. It was surrounded by mirrors, including one mirror like the one SWAG had seen in the Kurkle Ridge, which had shown the clockwork horror in this same room. Piles of metal littered the room - apparently these were not enough for the creature to craft more of its kind.

Carrack tried to re-enable the gate to trap the clockwork horror, but was unable to quickly do so. The clockwork horror fired pressure darts at Petra before engaging with its saw. After a minute of battle, Petra and Red charged the creature. It was finally killed, collapsing after its last attack into a heap of metal slag.

SWAG continued on, finally finding the large shattered gate of this complex. Trapped inside the gate were 4 whitespawn that had half-emerged through the gate when it was shattered by the forces of good 800 years ago. Petra and Red approached, and the gate shot beams of magic that dispelled the magic protections on Petra and channeled this magical energy into freeing the whitespawn. SWAG engaged the whitespawn, killing them seconds after they emerged from their 800 year entombment.

SWAG pressed on to the final rooms of the complex, killing a wight that guarded a chamber of living pictures that briefly animated when the wight was injured and killed. A room beyond contained scrolls in Abyssal that appeared to be a roster of hundreds of names. SWAG gathered the scrolls and ventured back outside, slipping across the wilderness before reaching the safety of Riverbend as the full moon rose over the Valley. Rumours swirled in Riverbend following Knights Luminary racing through town to respond to an attack on shipping lanes to the south, the main source of new trade goods into the Valley. Word had it that the troops in Sumberton were mustering to march south to deal with this attack.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Session 14 - But a dragonhide shield would match my armor...

SWAG proceeded to the altar in the spider chamber, carefully walking around the floor webbing. The altar glowed green, which Quintavian discerned to be a strong divination aura. Carrack removed 300 gp and a pair of bracers from the altar, prompting a warning from the magical statue on the altar.

SWAG then added some money to the altar's pile of gold, and the altar stated a prophesy about the Luminous Order. SWAG then gathered up all the treasure, prompting the same initial warning from the altar. Red and Quintavian departed for deep contemplation, while the rest of SWAG ventured on.

While rounding a corner, Carrack, on lizardback, heard whispering around the bend. Carrack snuck up and caught a planned drow ambush. A pitched battle ensued, and the drow were defeated by magic missiles and weapon attacks. SWAG the returned to the altar, hearing more prophecies about a person touched by the wind and a son (or sun?) that would reveal an alliance on the full moon. SWAG noted that tonight would be a full moon.

SWAG moved on, retracing their steps to the northeast, again hearing whispers behind a closed door. SWAG stormed in on two wererats behind a toppled table, with hand crossbows trained at the door. Petra reacted first, leaping into the room and attempting to bull rush the table into the wererats. The bull rush failed, but Petra lept the table to fight the wererats. Thelonius fired magic missiles, which hit a magic shield and were negated. Meanwhile, Carrack the Dragonslayer saw a small black dragon hiding in the next room and engaged it in battle.

Petra and Erlwyn battled the wererats, with most of their attacks failing to injure the wererats. Meanwhile, Carrack continued battling the acid spitting menace. Thelonius charged a shocking grasp, but couldn't seem to touch the wererats before he was hit and fell unconscious. Petra critically hit the wererats while Erlwyn fired silver arrows, eventually killing them. At that moment, Carrack's lizard fled the dragon battle from a magical fear effect.

The group then joined together and engaged the dragon, knocking it down. A yuan-ti halfblood then appeared out of nowhere, and parlayed a truce, stating that he too had fought and killed drow and wished them gone. SWAG agreed to leave and attack the drow and the yuan-ti agreed to end the battle. SWAG searched the wererats and found a note reading, "Sumberton sewers."

Monday, June 25, 2007

5 Spiders Down, 9,995 To Go

After battling the drow, SWAG gained hit points for their new 4th level but put off training until more of the evil could be purged from the area. The group also welcomed newcomer Thelonious (a monk/sorcerer) who stumbled upon the band of adventurers.

SWAG rested overnight in the drow barracks and awoke the next morning on Planting 18 for some good ole fashioned zombie killin'. One zombie got the jump on Petra with a critical hit, but SWAG then dispatched the two drow zombies and ventured toward the huge fiendish spider for a rematch.

At the entrance room, SWAG encountered a quaggoth who defended the room (to his death). SWAG then went on toward the spider's lair.

In the hallway near the spider lair, the group was surprised by a sudden onslight of thousands of spiders dropping from the dark ceiling overhead. The swarms crawled all over the group, scurrying under armor and clothes and biting repeatedly with poison. Quintavian and Erlwyn succumbed to the poision, while Thelonius was overwhelmed with nausea from the spider swarm in his undergarments.

Carrack threw oil, and later wine, on the spiders and set them aflame, while Quintavian threw acid splashes and Petra and Thelonius also tried to burn them. Red hacked at the spiders, killing 5 or 6 of the 10,000 spiders each turn. After a lengthy, pitched battle, the spider swarms were finally destroyed.

The group then prepared for battle and stormed the lair of the huge fiendish spider. It tried web and bite attacks, but SWAG was ready. With magic missiles penetrating its spell resistance 1/2 the time and Red hacking away, the spider fell. Now what lies on the mysterious, green glowing altar at the other end of the spider's lair?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Spiked Chain Menace/On to 4th level

SWAG searched the Bell Chamber wererats and found one holding a note that said only two mysterious words. The group pondered for a moment or two and then moved on. In a nearby room, the group encountered two hobgoblin monks and a spellcasting drow. The drow read a fireball scroll, knocking out Quintavian and injuring a few other SWAGians. The group fought their way past the monks and drow, defeating two of them while the monk escaped to the south and activated a flaming demon gate to cover his retreat.

SWAG gave chase, with Erlwyn disabling the flaming gate. The group found some barracks, and Erlwyn was surprised when a gargoyle in one of the barracks sprang to life and attacked. It looked singed from flames. The gargoyle resisted damage from most of the non-magic attacks, but was finally defeated by Quintavian's spells and Petra's magic longsword. The gargoyle had a satchel with a drow travel spellbook in it.

SWAG then opened the door to more barracks, and found the monk that had fled along with two more drow. The drow peppered SWAG with some sort of sleep spell that knocked out Carrack and Erlwyn and a fireball scroll that severely wounded Quintavian, collapsing her to the ground. Red and Petra led the charge, but the drow spiked chain attacks repeatedly knocked their weapons to the ground. The drow urged SWAG's surrender. SWAG declined. After a lengthy battle, the enemies were defeated. One of the drow spiked chain had a small magical crystal attached to it.

Erlwyn and Carrack left to file a briefing report with the university and identify some of the treasure. The rest of SWAG pondered their next move. All gained enough experience to reach 4th level.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Riding lizards and wererats in the bell chamber

After a bruising fight with a nasty spider, SWAG fled to the hunting lodge for some rest and recuperation. All were healed (except 1 point of Str damage to Red that remained from the spider's poison). During the night, Red heard occasional sounds of something scraping on stone from down below.

The next morning, on a bright and sunny Planting 17, the group ventured back down into the depths beneath the lodge. A 4' high coffin had been placed in the entrance room, and from behind it lept two female drow. Red charged the drow, who responded with a spiked chain attack and a fireball from a scroll that hit others in the group. As the others moved to enter the fray, Red cleaved through the drow, hacking them to pieces.

The gnome team then disabled the violet demon arch, revealing a drow in full plate on a riding lizard who came charging down the hall with a lance. Three other riding lizards sniffed mushrooms in the room beyond the arch. The charging drow hit Carrack for double damage and then backed up to charge again. The group assembled for another attack, while Red stormed down the hall, getting hit but striking down the lizard. With both the drow and Red at 0 hp, the drow was defeated and the battle was won.

Carrack then successfully mounted the lizard and the party moved on. In a nearby room, the group returned to a flaming demon arch, which the gnomes disabled. Beyond were two wererats in a bell chamber. The wererats attacked while jamming the bell mechanism, causing heavy bells to tumble into the chamber. Erlwyn silenced the bell's deafening roar, and after a lengthy battle the wererats were defeated.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Creepy crawlies and a near TPK

Late in the afternoon on Planting 16, SWAG searched the room of High Priestess Lanthurrae, finding several magic items and the following note:
The note was signed with only the following cryptic symbol,
resembling the symbol on the note to Noak the black dragon:

SWAG thoroughly searched the room and heard a humming sound coming from the south. Mosaic footprints on the floor entered the room from the south and exited to the west. SWAG barred the southern door and proceeded out to the west. In a room half-blocked by a cave-in, SWAG fought three spiders the size of wolves. After fending them off, three more web-spinning spiders attacked from the south. After a lengthy battle, all the spiders were killed and SWAG searched these rooms.

SWAG then proceeded south, following the mosiac footprints to double doors. SWAG opened these doors to reveal a room covered in webs, with a huge fiendish spider the size of a small hut patrolling the room, near an altar with a glowing green statue. Quintavian asked whether it might be better to just shut the door. Carrack entered the room and quickly became entangled in the floor webbing. Red and Petra stormed into the room, while the spider shot a web at Petra entangling her too. Quintavian and Erlwyn attempted to free Carrack, discovering that the webbing was hard and difficult to escape, while Red charged the spider and also became entangled.

The massive spider then began its direct attacks, causing large amounts of damage to the entangled Red and poisoning him, sapping his strength. Carrack fired multiple sound bursts from his newly found wand, occasionally penetrating the spider's spell resistance. The spider attacked Petra, biting her into unconsciousness. With most of SWAG entangled, Red badly wounded, Petra dying, and a mostly unharmed spider, Quintavian questioned why everyone went in the room while she waited safely outside. She and Erlwyn kept trying to free Carrack, while a lucky sound burst finally penetrated the spider's resistance and stunned it for a turn.

Red hacked himself free of the webbing and grabbed the dying Petra on his back. The nearly defeated group tried desperately to escape the spider's lair. Red hurled Petra to the ground near the exit and helped free Carrack. The spider then bit Red again, knocking him down to -8 hp. Who would rescue Red now? Carrack cast cure light wounds in a desperate attempt to save Red, and rolled an 8, healing 9 hp for Red. Carrack raced past the spider to freedom, discovering that his wand of sound burst was now exhausted of charges. Red stumbled up and fled the room, lucky to be alive. The group dragged Petra away. All ran away, to heal and fight on another day...

Friday, May 4, 2007

The Green Die, So Beautiful, It Calls To Me

On the morning of Planting 16, SWAG enjoyed breakfast at the small inn at the center of Surrinak village. PFOS summoned a mighty feast at a nearby table, and chowed down. SWAG noticed a magical scry sensor hovering in the air above them.

Horses approached, and four heavily armed men entered the establishment, along with a female elf and a strange figure hidden under a flowing cloak. A hush fell over the locals, who avoided glances with the new arrivals, while PFOS perked up and closely watched the members of SWAG.

The figure whispered to the elf in a language that appeared to be Undercommon. The elf relayed that Baron Surrinak welcomed the esteemed Professor Carrack and his group, but that unfortunately a tour of the castle could not be arranged due to Surrinak family illnesses. SWAG asked questions but received few answers, and most of the entourage left. Quintavian made arrangements to "visit" one of the guard later that night.

SWAG slipped out of town to the north, and then circled back through the forest toward the Surrinak hunting lodge. They noticed a hawk following them, but it later circled and departed. SWAG found a trail and located the stone lodge - meticulously clean but entirely empty. They silently approached and found a secret entrance with stairs descending into the depths, and noticed an abjuration spell hidden 10' beyond the door to the descending stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, female drow with bucklers bearing the Surrinak logo opened fire with bows and poisoned arrows, but Red uncannily dodged aside. The room had two sets of double doors heading north and south, and a glowing violet field covering a demon gate to the east. The group then entered melee, eventually taking out the drow. They heard a bar slam on the doors to the south, blocking that exit.

SWAG headed north, finding a hallway leading to a violet demon gate and another ending in a demon gate emanating a curtain of flames. Carrack remembered a bard tale of a similar device, enabling him and Erlwyn to disable the violet gate. The violet, shimmering curtain disappeared, revealing two more drow bearing hand crossbows and rapiers in a room with a stagnant, oily pool, sinister looking elephant statues, and yet another flaming gate. Petra then took out the drow with her mighty cleavage.

Carrack and Erlwyn disabled the flame gate, revealing an octagonal room with four altars bearing old women holding mysterious objects. In the room a powerful drow cleric and two grimlocks bearing mighty axes attacked. The grimlocks attacked, landing mighty axe blows while the drow cleric announced herself as the High Priestess Lanthurrae. She drew a wand of sound burst, repeatedly blasting SWAG with its cacophonous waves. Quintavian put one grimlock to sleep, while SWAG took out the other one. Red charged Lanthurrae, inflicting enough damage to force her to withdraw with an invisibility spell. SWAG blocked the doors and stumbled into Lanthurrae, dealing her final death blows.

All was quiet again in the room, save for the hum of the nearby demon gate. SWAG began to search, examining the mysterious objects on the altars and rifling the pockets of the deceased drow priestess...

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Luminous Order is Revealed

SWAG returned to Sumburton, training on the 10th and 11th days of Planting for their newly acquired 3rd level. While in town, Carrack received a note from Chimera, Ltd., stating that the strange shop would be open from high noon to two minutes past high noon. At noon, the shop appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by a magically electrified fence. In the shop, time seemed to stand still. Carrack purchased alchemical fireworks and put a down payment on a handy haversack.

Meanwhile, Quintavian and Petra chatted up the city guard and Sumburton militia, engaging in "extracurricular activites" with two of the finer men of the lot. Petra took the dark creeper's notes to Chandrea at Sumberton Scriviners, who translated them, revealing that something was hidden at the Surrinak hunting lodge. Chandrea noted that, although she was not a member of the Ebon Cabal, the Cabal might be interested in any magic found there, but that they might be hesitant to approach if they learned that SWAG was conspiring with the Luminous Order to stifle magical discoveries in the name of unbending rules of law.

The group also met Armand Herrick, Champion of the Luminous Order over a fine dinner at Kennick's. He explained that the Luminous Order patrols the Valley, fighting evil and watching for any demonic activity. Political difficulties would prevent overt questions of the reclusive Surrinak clan by the Order, but the Order agreed to pay SWAG to privately investigate. He also warned to steer clear of the greedy, lawless Ebon Cabal. He told the long story of a battle a millenia ago of celestial and human forces against demon hordes, transported directly from the planes of hell. They were beaten back by magical obelisks that drained away the demon's magic, and these obelisks remain today, scattered and their history forgotten by most in the Valley. The teleportation gates were also destroyed, and the crater of the Slaughterscar was all that remained of the demon's invasion, or so they thought.

SWAG took up the Order's challenge, and headed first to clear any remaining evil in the Kurkle Ridge. The group encountered an ancient, extraplanar maug, patrolling a pit of summoning circles to prevent a demon onslought. The mercenary maug said that for hundreds of years it followed its mission to protect the celestial army, awaiting further orders. SWAG then fought dire rats and an ankheg, but all other evil seemed to have been killed or fled.

SWAG journeyed back to Sumberton, and then on to the Surrinak lands. They travelled through Dondorran, bought some fine apples, pears and pies, and on the 15th day of Planting, encountered a group of mercenaries patrolling Surranik territory. The group, called the Police Forces of Surrinak (PFOS), was led by Stank the flying drawf fighter, Perchance the cleric, the ugly rogue Raisin the Fork, a girly bard Bonobo, and an unseen, invisible ally. PFOS escorted SWAG to town. They spent the night in a small inn in the village of Castle Surrinak, hearing strange wolf-like howls at night. On Planting 16, they awakened, prepared to explore the mysteries of the Surrinak lands.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Into the depths of the fissure

The group descended the stairs to the east, encountering a large lizard in a muddy cave. The lizard tried to eat some of the group, but was killed without inflicting injury. Around the corner from the lizard cave was a strange old library with a red carpet. The shelves were filled with ancient books and the room was guarded by a goblin named Bruntalgoik and his hyena. Bruntalgoik wielded a masterwork scimitar, which was promptly ripped from his hands by Carrack's whip as his hyena fell in battle. With no weapon to defend himself, Bruntalgoik lept up and repeatedly tried to grab Petra's sword, but failed as Petra elbowed him away. And there he fell, weaponless.

Around the bend was another, smaller muddy cave with wooden planks across it. Red and Quintavian repeatedly fell in the quicksand mud, but were rescued after many harrowing attempts across the muddy pit. Chanting filled the air from around the corner, where a hobgoblin cleric and three skeletons swayed before an altar and a pile of coins. Nambrakh the cleric cast hold person on Petra and cause fear on Red, temporarily disabling them as the skeletons fell in battle. He then cast inflict moderate wounds on Erlwyn, severely injuring her. But SWAG fought back, and Nambrakh turned invisible and fled. Four zombies from an adjacent room then attacked. They were beaten down, but Nambrakh was able to make his escape.

In an adjacent room, the group barged through barred doors to encounter dark creepers, who fought with a mysterious magical shadow cloak protecting them. SWAG overcame this obstacle, taking down the creepers and finding scrawled notes in undercommon and a map. Carrack deciphered some of the script, and saw that the notes said that a gate (which later was discovered to look like the gate in the next room) was "ruined." The map mentioned a building and a stone, but the other words were too hard to decipher.

Continuing past the indeed ruined gate, the group busted through doors to battle hobgoblins and goblins. The final goblin surrendered, stating in goblin that he just worked there after being recruited from his nearby village. He said he knew nothing of the map or the rest of the complex. At Petra's urging, the party reluctantly sent him packing back to his village.

Nearby, the party saw a howler in a room, in the center of a magical patten painted in lines and circles all around the chamber. Red lept a balcony to fight the howler, and was quickly shredded to -6 hp. Petra ran down to grab him while the rest of the group pelted the howler with ranged attacks. Petra managed to drag Red away, while the group killed the howler from above.

After a long day of battle, the group gained enough experience to gain a level. They used their mule to pull the heavy crates of spices and trade goods up to the surface and began the journey back to Sumberton to train for their new level.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Fissure in the Kurkle Ridge

SWAG left Lukrimar Keep on the 7th Day of Planting, passing the Sumberton troops on the road. The going was slow with pony cart in tow, and SWAG set up camp and rested near the road that night.

The following day (the 8th Day of Planting), SWAG reached the walls of Sumberton and saw farmers protesting a new 10% city wall tax on sales in and near the city. The farmers hurled tomatoes at the outnumered city guard. The tax was imposed by Lord Carstellon, but the farmers suspected his sons were the real motivation behind it, although no one had seen the sons in public in a week or so. The merchant guilds didn't mind the tax and the builders guilds were happy to see more work.

SWAG gathered information in town, learning bits of new details about the Luminous Order and Ebon Cabal. While many people had heard of the Order and knew their home base, few knew much about the Cabal, except that they may be based near the headwaters of the Marrilach River.

Erlwyn spent time by the docks trying to track down the Stiletto Crew, to no avail. Even her "Kidnap Me" t-shirt failed to produce the crew. Red explored the town keep while Carrack sold treasure and spoke with Vintra Marktunsel. He told her about the troops heading to town and she offered him and his bunch a job recovering Chicane Guild spices seized by bandits on the road to Tulvercross. Quintavian and Petra spoke to Chandrea the White at the Scrivener's Guild, getting magic items identified and informing her of the dragon menace.

That night, city residents cheered the sudden repeal of the city wall tax and free ale for all at a party hosted by Lord Carstellon. Banners on the city walls welcomed the troops home with free ale, dispersing them before they even hit the city gates. On the way to the night's events, a man named Migos Fehr approached, saying he recognized the group but wasn't sure where he'd seen them. His hair billowed in a non-existent breeze. He bought the group dinner and said he was a Champion of the Lords of Air. He then went on his way. Some of the group then saw alchemical fireworks and drank free ale. Carrack explored the strange warehouse of the supplier of the fireworks, Chimera, Ltd., a building with no windows or doors. He unsuccessfully searched for an entrance and then left them a note.

After a night of revelry, SWAG journeyed to Kurkle Ridge on the 9th Day of Planting, reaching a box canyon with a deep fissure and a malevolent feel. The gnomes sent dancing lights and ghost sound into the tunnel to draw out the inhabitants, but the spells expired before the group reached the 200' bottom of the fissure.

Inside, the group encountered hostile hobgoblins and goblins and dispatched three of each. In the goblin room sat numerous crates of trade goods, including three crates marked with the Sumberton sigil. Northern doors led out with a warning in goblin ("danger") and stairs descended to the east and west.

XP earned: 188 XP

Friday, March 2, 2007

On to the dragon!

SUAG* rested overnight in the goblin temple (former dwarf temple) and on the 6th day of Planting, ventured into the whispering caves. A monstrous spider dropped from the ceiling, but it's bite attack was deflected by Petra's magical shield and the group then killed the spider. They found goblin bones and a pit leading to a tunnel that went to the hobgoblin's chamber.

At the highest point of the sun, SUAG met up with Urrtarr and received her potions of resist energy (acid) to protect against the dragon. Urrtarr also said that she convinced their leader, Darax, to look for their spiritual leader Rutvin, and asked that they not disturb Darax's chambers while he was away. SUAG then proceeded to Darax's chambers, picking a locked chest and taking his treasure of gold and potions.

Armed with acid resistance, SUAG open the door to the dragon's Noak's chambers. Noak breathed acid from the darkness, to no effect. SUAG then entered the black dragon's lair, and saw a tiny 2' tall, 8 pound dragon hovering in the cave. SUAG quickly pummeled Noak with non-lethal damage, capturing the dragon. They gathered thousands of coins from the dragon's hoard and a magical ring and cloak, and told Urrtarr of their victory. They also found a note revealing that Noak had been sent by other dragons and was to lay low until the dragons were ready to destoy the humanoid settlements in the Valley. It was signed with only a red claw. Urrtarr promised to stop the goblin attacks, and asked SUAG to return Darax's treasure; they reluctantly returned the gold. The Scourge of the Howling Horde was at an end!

Red carried a well-tied Noak back to the logging camp, but in short order Noak awakened and used an acid attack to melt away the restraining ropes. SUAG bonked Noak over the head again, and proceeded to try diplomacy followed by non-lethal damage when Noak tried to escape. Finally, Red intimidated Noak into revealing that he was but a 2 year old wyrmling, and his parents had sent him here after they destroyed Andrushel one year ago. He was to take over a goblin tribe and wait for further orders, but got greedy and started building his hoard. Noak again tried to escape, and SUAG killed the dragon.

Returning to Lukrimar Keep, SUAG saw smoke billowing from around the town. Closer inspection revealed about 75 Sumberton soldiers bivouacked outside Lukrimar Keep. The soldiers, led by Captain Morgan, had been recalled from rebuilding Andrushel for "unscheduled training" in Sumberton.

SUAG spent the night in Lukrimar Keep, selling booty and acquiring new items. Noak's ring and cloak were identified as a ring of protection +1 and a cloak of resistance +1. On the 7th Day of Planting, SUAG then headed off to Sumberton, hoping to pass the troops on the road and get to Sumberton before the troops arrive.

*The "Still Unnamed Adventuring Group."

Friday, February 23, 2007

Goblin Day Care/Can We Talk?

Continuing into the former Dwarven stronghold, the group listened at the door across from the kitchen and heard goblin women and children. They entered to find goblin kids scurrying for cover and 4 goblins charging them. One failed diplomacy attempt later, a battle ensued. Two hobgoblins joined the fight, hurling javelins. Carrack was badly injured and then healed with a lucky unidentified potion pick, while Erlwyn peppered them with ranged attacks. Red and Petra brought the battle to the foes, while Quintavian attempted several ray attacks. The two goblin women were subdued, while the other enemies were dispatched.

The group then advanced to a female hobgoblin wizard's room, and were blasted by a burning hands attack. Carrack tried diplomacy, only angering the wizard more with a color spray in response. But, the gnomes knew this as an illusion and all avoided any effect. Carrack tried one last time to diplomacize, convincing a skeptical wizard that the group would not kill the hobgoblin leader Darax, but instead would remove the black dragon menacing the tribe. The wizard agreed to supply the group with potions to resist acid attacks at noon the following day.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The cook, the ooze and level 2

Our brave adventurers returned to the halfling logging camp to tend to the wounded and unconscious. After spending the night, they ventured back to Lukrimar Keep, and spent the 4th day of Planting resting and healing. Their other wand was also identified as a wand of longstrider.

On the 5th day of Planting they were fully healed and struck back out for the goblin caves. They encountered two goblins and a dog fortified behind a table for cover and with a gong nearby. Red "snuck" up the hill whilst the gnome couple snuck over to the entrance. A battle ensued, and one goblin got off a few strikes at the gong before falling. The dog was distracted by other dog ghost sound gnome illusions. Its masters killed, the dog then attempted to flee to live out its remaining years in peace and restful contemplation, but was struck down by Red.

The group advanced on to Big Bronk's room, finding some treasure. Then off to a curtained area which zapped the gnomes with a negative energy magical trap. Red lept over the trap into a room with a hobgoblin zombie and skeleton. The zombie pummeled Red before both were struck down by Red and Petra the paladin. In the room was found a note from someone named Rutvin complaining that a black dragon had corrupted the goblin tribe.

The adventurers then proceeded to a temple, discovering it to be of Dwarven construction. They found hidden treasure and drunk from a healing font. Then off to the kitchen, where a dire weasel attacked from under sacks of flour, chomping away at Erlwyn and dropping her unconscious. Meanwhile the goblin cook charged out of the pantry with his meat cleaver, but was struck down. A small cave filled with rotting food also contained an ooze, which slam attacked Red but was killed after a few arrows and a beating with a kitchen stool.

More treasure was found, 8 potions so far, and enough XP for level 2!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Goblins, bugbears, and dogs oh my!

The following morning, the 3rd day of Planting, the group made use of the mystic Thamior’s fortune telling and arcane powers, identifying a wand of cure lights wounds taken from the goblin druid. A second wand with a weak transmutation aura remains unidentified. The group then proceeded to the halfling logging camp at the southern tip of the Andrall Forest. From there, they followed tracks to caves in the forest.

The band of adventurers encountered fierce resistance at the cave entrance in the form of a half-dozen goblins and a small dog. Although stealth and gnome magic allowed the gnome couple to advance to the cave entrance, the group was eventually discovered, perhaps by the dog's heightened sense of smell or the not so graceful sneaking by the non-gnome travelers.

With half the group behind big bug Red and his dog nemesis, and the rest of the group pummeled with surprisingly coordinated goblin morningstar attacks, most of the group fell. As many in the group lay dying, Erlwyn the gnome rogue desperately tried to activate the paladin Petra's wand of cure light wounds, with limited success. To make matters worse, a bugbear by the name of Big Bronk stormed into the room. Yet, despite the odds, Big Bronk was defeated and the group surveyed the scene and collected their treasure.

After the battle, Red the diopsid barbarian and Quintavian the sorceress picked up the bodies and loaded them onto the pony cart to take back to the logging camp. Red picked up the small bodies ("these small surface dwellers all look the same!"), with dead goblins and unconscious gnomes all loaded onto the cart, to be sorted out later.

Red also noticed that the gnome Carrack had fallen face-first into a small puddle. Upon returning to the logging camp that night, after getting lost a few times in the woods, it was discovered that Carrack, presumed dead, had in fact stabilized before death and was still alive but unconscious. Perhaps he fortuitously fell into water with magical curing properties? Now for the rest and healing...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Riverbend Carnival

Come one come all to Riverbend for the annual Riverbend Carnival!

Marvel as gnomes from thorps throughout the Kurkle and Virmillion Ridges converge on Riverbend for this once a year event not to be missed. See dazzling entertainment and shows galore, unrivaled by any event you'll see in our fair Valley of Obelisks. Who knows, you may even find mystery and adventure on the bustling grounds of the Carnival.

Sponsored by the Gnome Carnival Guild of the Ridges and the Riverbend Merchants Guild

Riverbend Carnival – On the 7th day of Growfest, a group met at the annual Riverbend Carnival in Riverbend. The group consisted of Petra the human paladin, Red the diopsid barbarian, Erlwyn and Carrack the rogue gnome couple and Quintavian the half-elf sorceress.

They heard Boddynock the gnome town crier of Riverbend announce the carnival showings and that the halfling hamlet of Lukrimar Keep needed assistance. The group paid 1 sp each to see the “Luminous Order,” which turned out to be a gnome acrobatic troupe with lights on their heads. The group spent the night at Erlwyn and Carrack’s place at the local university where they teach and study.

The following day, on the morning of the 1st day of Planting, the group set out toward Lukrimar Keep and made their way to Sumberton, City of Bridges (and Ale!). There they saw troops, led by Captain Morr Donellgan, stationed in Sumberton riding back from a successful fight against gnolls that had attacked the small town of Dondorran. They met the local stone giant, Corrask, who opens and closes one of Sumberton’s bridges, and the local halfling merchant, Vintra Marktunsel, of the Chicane Guild of river merchants, run by the Marktunsel halfling clan. They spent the night at a local inn.

On the 2nd day of Planting, the group continued on to Lukrimar Keep, and stumbled onto a goblin ambush of a merchant wagon. Five goblins and three eleves lay dead or dying, with one elf and three goblins in mid-battle. As the group rushed to the scene, the last elf fell. A battle ensued, and the remaining goblins were defeated. A halfling merchant, Sten Goodseller, of the Hundivarst halfling clan, emerged from the wagon and greeted the group. In exchange for assistance returning to Lukrimar Keep, Sten agreed to give 100 gp of items from his shop.

The group continued to Lukrimar Keep and was surprised by an enraged goblin druid and his wolf companion. The goblin yelled “Forest Ravagers” in goblin and what sounded like a curse in another language and attacked with his flaming hand, but was defeated. The wolf escaped into the dense forest.

At nightfall the group made it to Lukrimar Keep and stayed for free overnight at the Barrow’s Edge Inn, courtesy of Mallie, the barkeep and de facto town mayor. They also received free healing from Listra, cleric of Pelor.

Click here to see the calendar -